IS in Telecom Meaning

The IS meaning in Telecom terms is "Intermediare System". There are 16 related meanings of the IS Telecom abbreviation.

IS on Telecom Full Forms

  1. Intermediare System
  2. Internet Society An international, nonprofit organiza-tion based in Reston, Virginia, comprising individuals, companies, foundations, and government agencies, that promotes the use, maintenance, and development of the Internet. The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) is a body within the Internet Society. In addition, the Internet Soci-ety publishes the Internet Society News and produces the annual INET conference.
  3. Interim Standard
  4. Information Separator
  5. Intewactive Services
  6. Integrated Services
  7. Initialisation Sequence
  8. Intraconnect Schematic
  9. Inband Signaling
  10. Immediatw Start
  11. Information System Set of information resources organized for the collection, storage, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination, disposition, display, or transmission of information.
  12. Information Superhighway Communications network, notably the Internet, which provides high speed access to information in the form of sound, text, images, etc.
  13. Interim Specification
  14. Interference Subtraction
  15. Intermediate System
  16. International Standard

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IS stand for Telecom?

    IS stands for Integrated Services in Telecom terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Initialisation Sequence in Telecom?

    The short form of "Initialisation Sequence" is IS for Telecom.


IS in Telecom. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

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