ISA in Computing Meaning

The ISA meaning in Computing terms is "Industry-Standard Architecture". There are 21 related meanings of the ISA Computing abbreviation.

ISA on Computing Full Forms

  1. Industry-Standard Architecture
  2. Interconnection Security Agreement Written management authorization to interconnect information systems based upon acceptance of risk and implementation of established controls.
  3. Industry Standard Architecture
  4. Interactive Services Association
  5. Information Security and Assurance
  6. Information Security Architecture
  7. Internet Security and Acceleration
  8. International Standard Atmosphere Is a static atmospheric model of how the pressure, temperature, density, and viscosity of the Earth's atmosphere chang.
  9. Internet Security and Acceleration Server A soft-ware application from Microsoft Corporation to increase the security and performance of Internet access for businesses. Internet Security and Acceleration Server provides an enterprise firewall and high-performance Web cache server to securely manage the flow of information.
  10. International Organization for Standardization An international standard setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. It was the ISO that prescribed the standard size of shipping containers to make global container trade more efficient. It deals in standards of all sorts, ranging from documentation to equipment packaging and labeling.
  11. Intelligent Software Agents
  12. Information Systems and Applications
  13. Innovative Slot Allocation
  14. International Standard Architecture
  15. Santa Isabel, S. A.
  16. Industry Standard Adapter
  17. Intelligent Systems and Agents
  18. Input Signal Amplifier
  19. Instruction Set Architecture
  20. Internet Server Applications
  21. Internet Security Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ISA stand for Computing?

    ISA stands for Intelligent Systems and Agents in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internet Security and Acceleration in Computing?

    The short form of "Internet Security and Acceleration" is ISA for Computing.


ISA in Computing. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

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