ISS Meaning

The ISS meaning is "Information System Security". The ISS abbreviation has 55 different full form.

ISS Full Forms

  1. Information System Security Military, Army, War, Federal Aviation Administration
  2. Information Systems and Services Is an integrated set of components used for gathering, processing, storing and communicating multiple types of information for improved societal and organizational efficiency. Aviation
  3. Idle Stop Solenoid A small cylinder located on the outside of the carburetor on some cars. It prevents the vehicle from continuing to idle after the ignition switch has been shut off (i.e., dieseling ). The position of the striker rod in the cylinder can be adjusted in a tune-up to the correct specifications. Auto
  4. Integrated Switching System Science, Scientific & Educational
  5. Iredell-Statesville Schools North Carolina
  6. Issues Ordnance Survey
  7. Intermediate Solid Solution Chemistry
  8. International Social Service Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  9. Indices Search Slip Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  10. In-school Suspension Education
  11. Infantile Seizure Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  12. Instrument Software System Science, Scientific & Educational
  13. Wiscasset Airport, Wiscasset, Maine, United States Maine, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  14. International Space Station Internet Slang, Space, Astronomy, Computing, Chat, Aerospace, Telecom, Physics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Academic & science
  15. Institute for Space Studies Atmospheric Research
  16. Infantile Sialic Acid Storage Medical, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Medicine for Children
  17. Internal Sublayer Service Computing, Technical
  18. Integrated System Schematic NASA
  19. Inside Skin Surface Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  20. Input-to-State Stability Physics, Scientific & Educational
  21. Indian Springs School Alabama
  22. issue [offspring] Genealogy
  23. Information Support Services Atmospheric Research
  24. Integrated Summary of Safety Medical, Fda
  25. Ionospheric Sounding Satellite Computing, Satellite
  26. Instruction Summary Sheet NASA
  27. ISS Group Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  28. Integrated System Study Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  29. I Said So Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  30. Interruptible Sales Service Energy, Electrical
  31. Installshield Silent Response File Computing, File Extensions
  32. Injury Severity Score The Injury Severity Score is an established medical score to assess trauma severity. It correlates with mortality, morbidity and hospitalization time after trauma. It is used to define the term major trauma. A major trauma is defined as the Injury Severity Score being greater than 15. The AIS Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine designed and improves upon the scale. Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  33. Internet Security Systems, Inc. Computing, Internet, IT Terminology
  34. Installation Support Services NASA
  35. Inhibit Symmetrical Swapping Assembly, Business & Finance
  36. Ion Scattering Spectroscopy Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
  37. Indiana Secretary of State Indiana, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  38. Iron And Steel Society
  39. Imprinted Sportswear Show Conference, Event
  40. Inno Setup Script Computing, File Extensions
  41. International Symbology Specification Postal, Us Post
  42. International Switching Symposium & ICS Computing, Ieee
  43. Inhibit/override Summary Snapshot Display NASA
  44. Institute of Systems Science Institute, Scientific & Educational
  45. Integrated Sounding System Legal, Governmental & Military
  46. Information Sharing System
  47. Input Shaft Speed Auto
  48. Is an in School Suspension Study, Scientific & Educational
  49. Input SubSystem Postal, Us Post, postal service
  50. Information Systems Security Protection of information systems against unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage, processing or transit, and against the denial of service to authorized users, including those measures necessary to detect, document. Computing, Computer, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  51. Inertial Subsystem NASA
  52. Islands Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Geography, Location, Geographic, Street Suffix
  53. International Schools Services (Princeton, NJ) Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  54. Institute for Strategic Studies International Relations, Governmental & Military
  55. Individual Safing Sequence NASA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ISS stand for?

    ISS stands for Indiana Secretary of State.

  2. What is the shortened form of I Said So?

    The short form of "I Said So" is ISS.


ISS. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated