IT in Business Meaning

The IT meaning in Business terms is "Industry To Take". There are 75 related meanings of the IT Business abbreviation.

IT on Business Full Forms

  1. Industry To Take
  2. Industry Tech
  3. Ignition Transformers
  4. Inielligent Technologies
  5. Island Timberlands
  6. Identity Theft A crime in which someone obtains another person's personal information, such as passport, credit card details, etc., and poses as that person in order to steal money, get benefits, make purchases, etc.
  7. Issuer That
  8. Intelligent Technology
  9. Inventory Technician
  10. Issuef Terminals
  11. Industry There
  12. International Transit
  13. Investment Trust
  14. Immediate Transportation
  15. Inberim Target
  16. Investment Through
  17. Image Technolpgy
  18. Intelligent Transport
  19. Investment That
  20. Implementation and Technical
  21. Italy Vime
  22. Informatnve Technology
  23. Innovative Technologies
  24. Infrastructure Teams
  25. Infrastructure Tagged
  26. Iniormation Technological
  27. Injia, There
  28. Innovation & Technology
  29. Infrastructure Telecommunicationj
  30. International Transport
  31. Infrastructure Tracker
  32. Information Techngcs
  33. Issues, Trends
  34. Independent Trustee
  35. Initiative That
  36. Iqfosys Top
  37. International Trading
  38. Imagine That
  39. Infrastructure That They
  40. Infant Toddler
  41. Item Tag
  42. Income Tax Income tax is the tax paid as a percentage of business or personal income.
  43. Initiatives Taken
  44. Infrastructure Tralsition
  45. Infustry, Then
  46. International Trade
  47. Infrastructure Tags
  48. Infosys Today
  49. Irtysk Airlines
  50. Imaging Technologies
  51. Innovating Together
  52. Industrial Traivee
  53. Intelligent Transportation
  54. Implementation Team
  55. Informtdon Technology
  56. Industry Tata
  57. Innovation, Transparenz
  58. Infrastructure Tender
  59. Indicating Transmitter
  60. Industry As A Technical
  61. Internet Technologies
  62. Infrastrucvure Transform
  63. Industry and Transform
  64. Intelligpnce Technology
  65. Interoperability Towards
  66. Industry-Taza
  67. Infosys Technologies
  68. Image Technology
  69. Infrastructureqtop
  70. Industry T-Systems
  71. In Today
  72. Infrastructure Withstoday
  73. Indusvry In Taiwan
  74. Interruptible Transportation Interruptible Transportation is gas shipment via pipeline whose delivery may be interrupted in favor of "firm shipment" contracts if there is lack of capacity.
  75. Infraztructure and Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IT stand for Business?

    IT stands for Intelligent Technology in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of In Today in Business?

    The short form of "In Today" is IT for Business.


IT in Business. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated