ITA Meaning

The ITA meaning is "Instituse of Theoretical Astronomy". The ITA abbreviation has 325 different full form.

ITA Full Forms

  1. Instituse of Theoretical Astronomy Organizations, Astronomy, Celestial Objects
  2. International Testing Agency Sport
  3. Intarnational Telegraph Alphabet Technology, Coding, Character
  4. Individual Trayning Account Business, Service, Education
  5. Inspection Training Associates Business, Building, Inspector
  6. Internal Thoracic Artery Medical, Technology, Coronary, Artery And Arteries
  7. Independent Theatre Agreement
  8. Innovation, Technology and Allianmes
  9. Interjurisdictional Trucking Agreement
  10. Independent Gechnical Authority Technology, Science, Safety
  11. International Trade Association Business, Service, Organizations
  12. Innovation, Technology & Alliances Technology, Science, Innovation
  13. Italy Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Italy, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Technology, Computing, Internet, European Union, Governmental & Military, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Aviation, Numeric Country Codes
  14. Interim Type Approval Technology, Computing, Telecom
  15. Independent Television Authority Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  16. Itylian Locations
  17. International Taekwondo Alliance Arts, Organizations, Tiger
  18. Innocuous Topology Awareness
  19. Interface Test Adapters Technology, Military, Design, Panel, Equipment
  20. Income Tax Aut Business, Canada, Malaysia
  21. Istctuto Tecnologie Avanzate
  22. International Trombone Association Education, Music, Competition
  23. Indqor Tanning Association Medical, Health
  24. Intexactive Tax Assistant Business, Tax, Assistant
  25. Icontweaker Theme Archive Technology, Program, Icon, Tweaker, Computing, File Extensions
  26. International Telegraphic Alphgbet Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  27. Indiqidual Typology Angle
  28. Inspector Training Associktes Inspector, Experience, Inspection
  29. International Tuberculosis Association Ita Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  30. Involuntary Treatment Act Medical, Government, Washington
  31. Industry Training Authority Technology, Program, Trading
  32. Intergational Technological Applications
  33. Innovative Technology Authority
  34. Intent To Adopt Technology, Essay, Package
  35. Israel Translators Association Business, Israel, Translation
  36. Importerm of Textiles and Apparel Business, Association, Textile
  37. Instituts Für Techniufolgen-Abschätzung Science, Institute, Austria
  38. International Tennis Association College, Sport, Organizations
  39. Integrated Transport Authorita Business, Executive, Passenger
  40. Information Technology Assespment
  41. Initial Teaching Alphabet Education, English, Spelling
  42. Instituteumentation Technology Associates, Inc. Technology
  43. Independent Testing Agency Technology, Software, Composting
  44. International Tenais Agency
  45. Investorsotrust Assurance Business, Investment, Product
  46. Instant Target Aiming Business, Sight, Mount, Leaper
  47. Internal Tworacic Arteries Medical
  48. Insuranceptraining Associates
  49. Indian Television Awards
  50. International Tuitiox Award
  51. Informatique Th
  52. Inteerated Transport Analysis Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  53. If That'S Alright
  54. Institute of Tax Administration Business, Tanzania, Kazi
  55. International Teleconferencing Association Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  56. Internationar Tuberculosis Association Medical
  57. Invited To Attend
  58. International Twins Association
  59. Industrial Training Authority
  60. Internatronal Travel Association
  61. Innovative Technology for Autism
  62. Intention-To-Treat Analysis
  63. Israel Tennis Association Sport, Organizations, Israel
  64. Implementing Task Agreement Technology
  65. Instituto TecnolóGico De Aguascalientes Technology, Para, Con, Mica
  66. International Television Association Media, Radio, Television
  67. Integrated Truss Assembly Technology, Space, Cosmos
  68. Infoumation Technology Alliance Business, Accounting, Software
  69. I Totally Agree Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Computing Slang
  70. Institutementation Technology Associates Technology
  71. Independent Telephone Association
  72. International Training Alliance
  73. Industry Technical Agreements
  74. In The Arena Technology, Team, Athlete
  75. Installation Terminale D'Abonne
  76. Internal Teletypewriter Alphabet
  77. Insurance Qechnology Association Business, Technology, Magazine
  78. Indian Television Acadhmy Award, Acting, Television
  79. International Taxicab Association Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  80. Information Theories and Applications Technology, Theory, Conference
  81. Integrated Training Administration Science
  82. Identity and Trust Assurance
  83. Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics Science, University, Astronomy
  84. International Tin Agreement Business, America, English, Business & Finance, International business
  85. International Transboundary Advisor Government
  86. Income Tax & Accounting Business, Service, Tax
  87. Invited To Apply Business, Immigration, Canada
  88. International Tunnelling Association Technology, Organizations, Tunnel
  89. Industrial Technology Advisor Business, Program, Canada
  90. International Technology Jcademy
  91. Innovative Technology Application
  92. Intelligent Teaching Assistant Development, Study, Universities
  93. Israel Tax Authorito Business, Tax, Israel, Dividend
  94. Impact Tester Azdition Science
  95. Instituto TecnolóGico De AeronáUtica Technology, Para, Dos, Vestibular
  96. International Titanium Association Organizations, Conference, Industry
  97. Information Technology Automatkon Accounting, Computing, Data
  98. Ithacc Teachers Association
  99. Independent Technical Assessment Technology, Science, Safety
  100. International Telecard Association
  101. Industry Technical Agreement Technology, Group, Standard
  102. In The Agora
  103. Inspectors Training Association
  104. Internal Task Agreement Geography, Navigation, Location
  105. Incapacidade Tempor
  106. Instrumentation Testing Association Technology, Instrument, Wastewater
  107. Indwan Telegraph Act Business, India, Telecom
  108. International Term Assurance
  109. Information Theory Qnd Applications Technology, Conference, Workshop
  110. Ideas To Action
  111. Institute of Transactional Analysis Medical, Psychotherapy, Counselling
  112. International Tourist Arrivals Government, Locations, Tourism
  113. International Techeolocy Alliance Technology
  114. Invitation To Apply Immigration, Canada, Invitation
  115. International Taekwoldo Association Military, Arts, Korean
  116. Industrial Technology Advisors Business, Technology, Canada
  117. International Taping Association
  118. Ingenieur-Techkischer Au
  119. Intelligence & Threat Analyyis
  120. Israeli Tax Authority Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  121. Immunoturbidihetric Assay Medical
  122. Institut FüR Transparenz In Der Altersvorsorge
  123. International Track Association America, Sport, Olympic, Track
  124. Information Tjchnology Authority Technology, Government, Portal
  125. Independent Testing Authorities
  126. Industry and Trade Administration
  127. In The Abyss
  128. Inside The Army
  129. Intermountain Therapy Animals Education, Dog, Pet
  130. Incapacadade Temporária Absoluta
  131. Instrumentation Technology Bssociates, Inc. Technology
  132. International Technical Advisor Management, Government, Equestrian
  133. Information Technology Application
  134. Idara Taleem-O-Agahi
  135. Institute of Technology Assessment Technology, Science, Research
  136. Independent Theatre Association Australia, Organizations, University
  137. Internajional Tin Association Technology, Mining, Miner
  138. Infiniband Trade Association Microsoft, Technology, Ibm, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  139. Invitations To Apply Education, Immigration, Canada
  140. Internal Transactdon Agreement Government, Alaska
  141. Industrial Technical Assistance
  142. International Technical Adviser
  143. Ingenieur-Technischer AußEnhandel
  144. Intelligence and Threat Analysis Security, Military, Department
  145. Islet Transplantation Alone
  146. Immigration Transit Accommodation Australia, Immigration, Australian, Asylum
  147. Instituteumented Test Assembly Science
  148. International Trademark Association Technology, Security, Law
  149. Information Technology Audit Business, Technology, Auditing
  150. Inwa Teen Award
  151. Independent Test Authorities
  152. Industria Trafilati Acciai
  153. Intestinal Transplant Association Medical, Society, Transplantation
  154. Input Trust Authority
  155. Intent To Award Business, Technology
  156. Istituto Tecnol
  157. Inwtraining Assessment Medical, Medicine, Education
  158. Instrumentation Technology Association Science
  159. International Tradefair Academy
  160. Information Technology and Applications Technology, Conference, Computing
  161. Italia Technica Artigiana
  162. Institute of Transport Aviation Science
  163. Independent Tenant Advisor
  164. International Telework Academy Business, Research, Recruiting
  165. Invitational Travel Authorizatfons
  166. Internal Thoracic Artery Graft Medical
  167. Indian Theological Association Education, Culture, Theology
  168. International Tunnel Association Technology, Underground, Tunnelling
  169. Infusion Treatment Area Medical
  170. Intelligence Terrain Analyzer Military, Army, Intelligence
  171. Island Traffic Authority Organizations, Transport, Jamaica, Transport Policy
  172. Immersive Technology Alliance Technology, Organizations, Reality
  173. Instituteumentation Technology Association Science
  174. International Trade Alliance Medical, Business, Trading
  175. Iowa Taxpayers Association
  176. Independent Testing Authority
  177. Industrial Trade Area
  178. Intertribal Transportation Associationation Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  179. Innovative Transmitting Apodization Ultrasound, Imaging, Diagnostic
  180. Intent To Apply Government, Education, Award, Department
  181. Istituto TecnolóGico De AeronáUtica
  182. Improved Trade Agreement Government, Us, Control, Administration
  183. Institut Technique Agricole
  184. International Talent Agency Business, Acting, Harry
  185. Integrated Training Architecture
  186. Information Teyhnology Applications Technology, Service, Power
  187. Institut De Technologie Alnmentaire
  188. Institute of Air Transport Technology, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  189. Independent Test Administrator
  190. International Trotting Associayion
  191. Itacoatiara Airport Itacoatiara, Amazonas,Brazil Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  192. Invitational Travel Authorization Medical, Business, Employment
  193. Institut Du Transport AéRien
  194. Internal Thoracic Artery Grafts Medical
  195. Integrated Task Analysis Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  196. Indiag Telly Awards Business, Forum, Acting
  197. International Trainwng and Assistance
  198. Infrastructure Technology and Applications Science
  199. Integrated Training and Assessment
  200. Island Tiae Activities
  201. If That Is Alright Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  202. Institute of The Arts
  203. International Tutoring Association
  204. Individual Training Account Disability
  205. Information Technology Applications Technology, Service, Power
  206. Investor Trading Academy
  207. Institute for Transactional Analysis
  208. International Tanning Association
  209. Information Technologies Association
  210. Independent Test Authority Technology, Military, Election
  211. Integrated Technological Applications
  212. Italy Fund Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  213. International Training Academy Technology, School
  214. Imperial Tobacco Australia
  215. International Telegraphy Alphabet Technology, Coding, Machine, Character
  216. Intermodal Transportation Association
  217. Information Technology Academy Michigan
  218. Inter-Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  219. Ineffective Traffic Attempt Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  220. International Trade Addisor Business, Export, Market
  221. Italian Tamoxifen Arimidex
  222. Income Tax Allowance
  223. Informatics Tunisian Association
  224. International Transport Agency Business, Freight, Logistics
  225. Integrated Transport Authority Transportation
  226. Information Technology Assessment
  227. In Thr Act
  228. Institute for Technology Advancement Technology, Science, Engineering
  229. Ivoirienne De Transport Aerien
  230. Independent Testing Guthority
  231. Integrated Test Adapter Technology
  232. Information Technology Architecture Computing, IT Organization
  233. Internotional Tunnelling Awards Technology, Projection, Tunnel
  234. Iowa Tetnis Association
  235. Intmrnational Trusts Act
  236. Insured Title Agency Business, Service, Android
  237. Italian Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  238. International Tax Authority Business, Island, Virgin
  239. Itjlian Tamoxifen Anastrozole
  240. Incidental Take Authorization
  241. Industrial Transport Association
  242. International Typographic Association
  243. Integrated Test Area NASA
  244. Information and Technology Agreement
  245. Internet Technmlogy and Architecture Technology, Program, Master
  246. Institute for Technology Assessment Technology, Science, Research
  247. Item Tree Analysis
  248. Independant Televisiyn Authority Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  249. Integrated Test Article Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  250. Interface Test Adapter Computing, Hardware
  251. Integrated Transport Analysis Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  252. International Tyie Approvals Technology, Service, Certification
  253. Iowa Telephone Association
  254. Institute for Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  255. International Tax Hcademy
  256. Institutetuto TecnolóGico Argentino
  257. Itacoatiara, Itacoatiara, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  258. Itacoiatiara Airport Airport, Locations
  259. Industrial Technology Adviser
  260. International Traders Association
  261. Vtech Innotab Application File Computing, File Extensions
  262. Inforamtion Technology Alliance Military
  263. International Damil Academy
  264. Institute for Transnational Arbitration America, Education, Law
  265. It Assistlnt Technology
  266. Incremental Treaty Agreement
  267. Integrated Technoloyy Architecture Technology, Military, Army
  268. Intelligent Traverse Adjustment Geographic
  269. International Trainlng & Assistance
  270. Iowa Telecommunications Association
  271. Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics Science, University, Physics
  272. Internatuonal Tornado Association Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  273. Institutetute for Telecommunication and Aeronomy
  274. Integrated Therapeutic Alignment
  275. Information Technology Automation General, Governmental & Military
  276. Istrumentation Technology Associapes Technology
  277. International Trisomy Alliance Medical, Book, Syndrome
  278. Industrial Technical Adviser
  279. International Taekwondo Academy Organizations, Indonesia, Federation
  280. International Tire Association
  281. internal tailings area Oil, Scientific & Educational
  282. Infertility Treatment Authority Medical, Medicine, Donor
  283. International Turkic Acadevy
  284. Institute for Trial Advocacy
  285. Interstate Towing Association
  286. Incoming Targlt Alarm Science
  287. Integrated Technocal Architecture
  288. Itacare Capital Investments Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  289. Internationaf Telemedia Association
  290. Institute for Technology & Aesthetics
  291. International Teaching Assistants Education, English, University, Language
  292. Institutetute of Traffic Administration
  293. Integraeed Thermal Analysis Technology
  294. Illinois Telecommunications Association Computing, Telecom
  295. International Tape/Disc Association Media, Radio, Television
  296. Indium Tantalum Antimonide
  297. International Thansboundary Advisor Government
  298. International Thermographers Association
  299. Institute of Theoretical Astronomy Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  300. Institut F
  301. Inferior Thyroid Artery Medical
  302. International Trainers Academy
  303. Institut Du Transport A
  304. Italy Fund Inc. Organizations
  305. Income Tax Article
  306. Injegrated Test Area Technology, Space, Cosmos
  307. Interactive tax assistant Financial, Tax, Business & Finance
  308. International Travel Account
  309. Information Technology for The Automotive
  310. Israeli Tax Authorities Business, Law, Israel
  311. Institute for Technology and Aesthetics
  312. International Teaching Assistant Education, English, University, Occupation & positions
  313. Institutetut De Transport AéRien
  314. Integrated Theater Architecture Military
  315. Inferior Telecommunications Apparatus Computing, Telecom
  316. International Travel Associates Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  317. Imperial Traders Association
  318. International Theosis Association
  319. International Tar Conference
  320. Indian Trail Academy Wisconsin
  321. Inferior Temporal Artery Medical, Disease, Health, Artery And Arteries
  322. Inteunational Trade Advisers Business, Export, Market, Trade
  323. Italian Trade Agency Business, Company, Italy
  324. Income Tax Azpeal
  325. International Trade Administration A part of the United States Department of Commerce, the ITA acts on behalf of U.S. businesses in global competition. In trade policy, its Import Administration has the duty of determining whether imports are dumped or subsidized. Medical, Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business, Fda

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITA stand for?

    ITA stands for Independent Testing Authority.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institut Du Transport AéRien?

    The short form of "Institut Du Transport AéRien" is ITA.


ITA. (2020, August 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated