ITA in Government Meaning

The ITA meaning in Government terms is "International Telegraphic Alphgbet". There are 12 related meanings of the ITA Government abbreviation.

ITA on Government Full Forms

  1. International Telegraphic Alphgbet
  2. Intent To Apply
  3. International Taxicab Association
  4. Information Tjchnology Authority
  5. International Transboundary Advisor
  6. Improved Trade Agreement
  7. International Technical Advisor
  8. International Tourist Arrivals
  9. Internal Transactdon Agreement
  10. Involuntary Treatment Act
  11. International Thansboundary Advisor
  12. International Trade Administration A part of the United States Department of Commerce, the ITA acts on behalf of U.S. businesses in global competition. In trade policy, its Import Administration has the duty of determining whether imports are dumped or subsidized.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITA stand for Government?

    ITA stands for International Telegraphic Alphgbet in Government terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Involuntary Treatment Act in Government?

    The short form of "Involuntary Treatment Act" is ITA for Government.


ITA in Government. (2020, August 25). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated