ITC Meaning

The ITC meaning is "Indian Tobacco Company". The ITC abbreviation has 463 different full form.

ITC Full Forms

  1. Indian Tobacco Company India, Ecology, Brand, Biodiversity, Business & Finance, International business
  2. In The Canal Medical, Technology, Hearing
  3. Illinois Terminal Organizations
  4. Instrucciones TéCnicas Complementarias Para, Con, Gas
  5. International Terrestrial Cable Technology, Bangladesh, Internet
  6. Investment Tax Credit Investment tax credit is a tax credit that is given to the businesses to write off a portion of the cost of purchasing equipment. Business, Technology, Energy
  7. Infantry Training Centre Military, Education, Army
  8. International Teletraffic Congress Technology, Networking, Telecom
  9. Industrial Training Centre Education, Institute, Industry
  10. Insurance Technologies Corporation Business, Technology, Agency
  11. India Trade Classification
  12. Instrumental Trans-Communication
  13. Introduction To Computer Science, Education, Course
  14. Independent Telephone Company Business, Technology, Service, Telecom
  15. Instructor Training Course Education, Diving, Teaching
  16. In The City Hotel, Locations, Room
  17. Income Tax Credit Business, Technology, Energy
  18. Instrucción TéCnica Complementaria Para, Con, Control
  19. International Technology Centers
  20. Inbound Toll Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  21. Inter-Tool Communication
  22. Indian Tobacco Corporation
  23. Inspection Testing Certification
  24. International Teaching Centre Organizations, Faith, House
  25. Infant Toddler Credential
  26. Israel Trails Committee
  27. Instruccions T
  28. Information Technology & Computing
  29. Instructor Trainer Course Military, Diving, Dive
  30. International Tourism Corporation Business, Organizations, Korea
  31. Independent Telecommunications Carrier Technology
  32. Innovative Technologies Center Technology, Science, Law
  33. Intermodal Transit Center Government, Locations, Station
  34. Iowa Trails Council
  35. International Telecommunications Corp
  36. Idaho Training Cooperative
  37. Income Tax Code Business, Tax, Resident
  38. Input Trigger Connector
  39. Interactive Todd Coxeter
  40. Individual Training Cost Technology
  41. Itraconazole Medical, Technology, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  42. Institute of Technology, Carlow Technology, Education, Ireland
  43. International Technology Company
  44. Isothermal Titration Microcalorimetry Medical
  45. Infinite Technology Corporation
  46. Igloo Thermal Control Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  47. Information Trust Corporation Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  48. Integrated Technology Corp
  49. International Training for Chinese Development, Learning, Study
  50. Independent Transmission Companies
  51. Inter Transfer Certificate
  52. International Trade Center Science, Commerce, Trade, Business & Finance, Business Word
  53. Industry Training Center
  54. Isothermal Titration Calorimetric Medical
  55. Instituto De Tecnolog
  56. International Textbook Company
  57. Initialization-Time-Compilation
  58. Introduction To Computers
  59. Institute of Timber Construction
  60. Izegemse Triatlon Club
  61. International Tribology Council
  62. In-Trail Climb Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  63. Inter-Thread Communication
  64. Indian Technology Congress Technology, Design, Event
  65. Inspección TéCnica De Construcciones
  66. International Teledemocracy Centre
  67. Infantry Training Centres
  68. Israel Trade Commission Business, Economics, Israel
  69. Instruccions TèCniques ComplementàRies
  70. Instructor Training Courses Education, Teaching, Course
  71. International Telegraph Code
  72. Innovative Technology Center Chemistry, Science, Flow
  73. Intermodal Transportation Center Locations, Station, Fort
  74. Iowa Tech Community
  75. International Trade Commision Business, Patent, Apple
  76. Idaho Training Clearinghouse
  77. Information Technology Company Technology, Locations, Iran
  78. Instructional Technology Coordinator Technology, Education, Teaching
  79. International Travel Consultant
  80. Inclusive Tour By Charter
  81. Interactive Tax Consultants
  82. Norfolk Southern Technology, Organizations, Railroad
  83. Individual Travel Card
  84. Institute of Technology, Cambodia
  85. International Travel College
  86. Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Science, Binding, Materials Analysis, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  87. Infinia Technology Corporation
  88. Information Technology Charlotte Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  89. Integrated Technology Corporation
  90. International Table Calorie Medical, Disease, Health
  91. Independent Transmission Company Technology, Energy, Power
  92. Intertool Communications Technology
  93. International Training Center Technology, Education, Course
  94. Industrial Training Centres Technology, Institute, Industry
  95. Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Technology
  96. Instituto De TecnologíA CeráMica Business, Para, Con, Mica
  97. International Trade Commissions
  98. Idle Timer Controller
  99. Inibap'S Transit Center Technology, Organizations
  100. Information Technology and Communications Business, Company, Technology, Management, Service
  101. Indoor Telephone Cable Business, Company, Setting
  102. Introduction To Computing Technology, Science, Education
  103. Institute of Textile and Clothing Education, University, Fashion
  104. Ivy Tech Community
  105. Imaging Technology Consulting
  106. Inter-Task Communication
  107. Indian Tariff Code Business, Product, Mill
  108. Inside The Club
  109. International Translation Center Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  110. Industry Trade and Commerce Business, Organizations, Canada
  111. Israel Tour Connection Organizations, Israel, Mitzvah
  112. Instrucciones T
  113. International Tapetronics Corporation Technology, Radio, Machine, Cart
  114. Instructor Training Centre Education, Networking, Cisco
  115. International Typefont Corporation
  116. Innovation Technology Center Technology, Russia, Russian
  117. Innovation Test Centre
  118. International Tiger Coalition
  119. Inuit Tapirisat Du Canada
  120. International Trust Company
  121. Idaho Technology Council
  122. Information Technology Channel Technology, Iran, Persian
  123. International Testing Centre
  124. Inclusive Tour Charter Airline, Travel, Tour
  125. Interactive Test Capture
  126. Individual Training Company
  127. Institute of Technology Cambodia
  128. International Technidyne Corporation
  129. Isolated Tumor Cells Medical, Cancer, Lymph, Node
  130. Infecting The City Locations, Cape, Town
  131. Instructional Technology Coordinators
  132. Information Technologists' Company
  133. Integrated Telecom Company Technology, Service, Networking
  134. International Technology Corporationration Technology
  135. Independent Television Companies
  136. Intertool Communication Technology
  137. Internal True Color
  138. Industrial Training Centers
  139. Isolated Tumour Cells Medical
  140. Instituto De Terapia Cognitiva Para, Council, Breve
  141. International Training Commission
  142. Iditarod Trail Committee Organizations, Dog, Race, Musher
  143. IngenieríA En TecnologíAs Computacionales
  144. Information, Technology, and Communication
  145. Indonesia Transit Central Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Monorail
  146. Introduction Table of Contents
  147. Institute of Textiles & Clothing Education, Textile, Fashion
  148. International Thunderbird Club
  149. Imaging Technology Council Business, Cartridge, Toner
  150. Information Technology Collaborative
  151. Intelligent Top Cap
  152. Indianhead Technical College
  153. Interval Time Counter Technology, Processor, Itanium
  154. Inside The Cell
  155. International Transmission Company
  156. Industries Training Corporation
  157. Israel Tennis Centers Technology, Sport, Israel
  158. Institutul Pentru Tehnică De Calcul Business, Din, Romania, Integrator
  159. International Teaching Center
  160. Instructor Training Center Education, Networking, Cisco
  161. International Typeface Corp
  162. Innovation and Technology Centre Technology, Russia, Training
  163. Innovation Technology Commission Technology, Service, Israel
  164. International Touring Car Championship
  165. Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Organizations, Canada, Locations
  166. Information Technology Committee Technology, English, University
  167. International Test Centre
  168. Inclusive Teaching Circle
  169. Interactive Toy Concepts
  170. Individual Tree Crown
  171. Institute of Technology of Cambodia Technology, Education, Cambodia
  172. International Technical Ceramics
  173. Iowa Trauma Coordinators Healthcare
  174. Infant Toddler Center Technology, Care, Child
  175. Instructional Technology Centers
  176. Information Technology and Computing Technology, Service, University
  177. Integral Theory Conference Science, Development, Hosting
  178. International Trading Certificate Business
  179. Independent Theatre Council Company, Arts, Organizations
  180. Inter Technologies Corporation
  181. Internal Tree Cap
  182. Industrial Training Center Education, Institute, Industry
  183. Irak Turkmen Cephesi Turkish
  184. Institut FüR Technische Chemie Technology, Water, Carbon
  185. International Trade Consulting
  186. Identity Theft Council
  187. Ingeniero En Tecnolog
  188. Illinois Terminal Railroad Locations, Train, Traction, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  189. Inferior Temporal Cortex Medical, Technology, Anatomy, Brain, Cerebrum, Human Anatomy, Neurology
  190. Indonesia Trading Company
  191. Intrathecal Chemotherapy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  192. Institute of Textiles and Clothing Education, Textile, Fashion
  193. International Theological Commentary Book, Education, Bible
  194. Imaging Technology Center
  195. Information Technical Center
  196. Integrated Transfer Case
  197. Independent Treatment Centre
  198. Intertribal Timber Council Education, Scholarship, Forest
  199. Insecticide-Treated Curtains Medical
  200. International Theological Commission
  201. Industria Tecnica Cavi
  202. Israel Tennis Center Sport, Organizations, Israel, Foundation
  203. Instituto TecnolóGico De Canarias Para, Con, Gran
  204. International Trade Classification
  205. Innovation and Technology Center Business, Research, Development
  206. Innovative Technology Centre Chemistry, Science, University
  207. IntéRieur Tout Cuir
  208. Ing-Tech Corporation Business, Bag, Equipment
  209. International Technical Communication
  210. Inclusiveness Target Countries
  211. Interactive Teleservices Corporation
  212. Individual Training Course Military, Operation, Corps
  213. Inspection Testing and Certification
  214. International Trade Council Business, Company, Technology
  215. Infant Toddler Checklist Medical, Autism, Children
  216. Instructional Technology Centre Education
  217. Information Technology Computer
  218. Instrumentation Tray Cable Technology, Product, Electricity, Computing, Hardware
  219. International Typeface Corporationration Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
  220. Independent Television Committee Technology
  221. Inter Task Communication
  222. Internal Training Courses
  223. Information Technologies Center
  224. Ipswich Turf Club
  225. Instructor Training Certification Technology
  226. International Transit Centre Science, Genetics, Plant
  227. Ideal Toy Company
  228. Income Tax Course
  229. Ingeniero En TecnologíAs Computacionales
  230. Information Technology Center Business & Finance, Business Word
  231. Indonesian Trading Company
  232. Into The Cage
  233. Institute of Technical Chemistry Technology, Academy, University
  234. International Truck Center
  235. Imaginary Theatre Company
  236. Information Technology Consortium
  237. Integrated Training Capability
  238. Interstate Truck Center
  239. Independent Telephone Companies
  240. Inter Tribal Council Business, America, Tribe
  241. Instituteumental Transcommunication Parapsychology
  242. International Technology Corporation Technology
  243. Industry Training Council
  244. Isothermal Titration Calorimeters Science, Instrument, Calorimetry
  245. Instituto Tecnico Central
  246. International Tribology Conference Technology, Industrial, Lubricant
  247. Initial Target Cost
  248. Innovation Technology Centre Technology, Development, Training
  249. Information Technology & Communication
  250. Introductory Training Course
  251. International Thyroid Congress Medical, America, Association
  252. Incentive Travel Council
  253. Inter-Tribal Council Program, Food, Council, Tribe
  254. Indian Touring Cars
  255. Inspection Testing & Certification
  256. International Toki Conference
  257. Infant Toddler Connection
  258. Instructional Technology Center Service, Education, University
  259. Information Technology Communication
  260. Instrumental Transcommunication Parapsychology
  261. International Training Camp
  262. Independent Television Commission Technology, Telecom, Broadcasting
  263. Internal Tactical Choke
  264. Information Technology Centre Technology, Military, University, Computing
  265. Iowa Transportation Commission
  266. Instructors Training Center Education, Networking, Cisco
  267. International Technology Consultants
  268. Idaho Travel Council
  269. Income Tax Component
  270. Input Type Class
  271. Interagency Training Center Military, Army, Intelligence
  272. Instrucci
  273. Indonesian Tax Champion
  274. Its The Coolist Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  275. Institute of Technology Carlow
  276. International Technical Conference
  277. Isothiocyanates Medical
  278. Info-Tek Corporation
  279. Image Transfer Controller Technology
  280. Information Technology Coordinator Management, Security, Emergency, Preparedness
  281. Integrated Terrain Compensation Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  282. Internet & Telecoms Convergence
  283. Independent Transmit Clock Technology
  284. Inter Trial Coherence Technology, Analysis, Event, Frequency
  285. Instituteument Terminal Cabinet Science
  286. International Tin Council Business, Science, Economics
  287. Industrial Training Council Business, Technology, Egypt, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  288. Isothermal Titration Calorimeter Science, Research, Instrument
  289. Instituto De Transportes E ComunicaçÕEs
  290. International Trade Committee
  291. Initialization Time Compilation
  292. Innovations Technologie Campus
  293. Information Technology & Communications Business, Service, Department
  294. Introduction To Construction
  295. Information Technology Committeeinformation Technology Coordinator Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  296. International Technology Council
  297. In The Canal [Hearing Aid] Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  298. Interagency Testing Committee (tsca) Chemistry
  299. Institutetuto TecnolóGico De Celaya
  300. Information Technology Council Computing, IT Organization
  301. Innovative Technology Consulting
  302. Industrial Timer Company Business, Electronics, Distributor
  303. Instituteument Technology Center Science
  304. Instructional Telecommunications Council Technology, Education, Learning
  305. International Telemetry Conference
  306. Itc Holdings Corp. Technology
  307. Ingenier
  308. It'S Too Cold
  309. Instituto TraumatolóGico De CóRdoba
  310. INFORMATION TECHNICIAN CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  311. Input Capture/Input Transition Counter Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  312. Instructions To Consultants Business, Consultation, Projection
  313. International Trade Company Business, Trading, Malta
  314. Incoming Trunk Characteristics Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  315. Indian Trade Classification Business & Finance, International business
  316. Intergovernmental Technology Conference Business, Management, Organizations
  317. Information Technology and Communication Technology, Management, Service, Virginia
  318. Induced Technological Change
  319. International Technology Center
  320. International Trading Company Business, Service, Product
  321. Information and Technology Club
  322. Information Technology Consultancy
  323. Interdata Transaction Controller
  324. In The Cage Porn, Music, Genesis, Cage
  325. Itunes Cover Flow Data File Computing, File Extensions
  326. Institutetuto TecnolóGico E Das CiêNcias
  327. Independence Tube Corporation
  328. Internet Test Cricket Computing, Internet
  329. Innovation Through Convergence Technology
  330. Industrial Telecom Bus Technology, Energy, Electonics
  331. Instituteuctional Technology Centre Education
  332. Infrared Thermography Certification Military, Training, Camera
  333. Italian Tile Center
  334. In This Channel Business, Internet Slang, Banking
  335. International Technical Coordination Medical
  336. It'S The Coolest Internet Slang, Slang
  337. Instituto TecnolóGico Del Comahue
  338. International Terrorist Coalition Politics, Governmental & Military
  339. Inprocessing Training Center Technology
  340. Instructional Technology Coach Technology, Education, School
  341. International Travel Centre
  342. Incoming Trunk Circuit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  343. Information Technology Conference Business & Finance, Business Word
  344. Interface Technical Committee
  345. International Telecommunication Convention Technology, Government, Military
  346. Interdenominational Theological Center Religion
  347. Information and Technology Center
  348. Information Technology Co
  349. Intensive Therapeutic Care
  350. In That Case Business, Internet Slang, Apple
  351. Industry Training Co-ordinator Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  352. Independant Television Commission
  353. International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  354. Industrial Technician Certificate Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  355. Instituteuctional Technology Center Education
  356. Institutetute Time Clauses
  357. Infrared Training Centre Business, Course, Thermography
  358. Israeli Tan Center Medical, Balance, Zion
  359. In This Case Business, Patent, Apple
  360. International Trade Commission (u.s.) Fda
  361. Istituto Trentino Di Cultura Technology, Research, Italy
  362. Instituto De Tratamento Do CÂNcer
  363. Infantry Training Command Navy, Governmental & Military
  364. Innovative Turnaround Controls Technology, Management, Projection
  365. Instructional Technology Consortium Technology, Computer, Internet
  366. International Training Consultants
  367. Incoming Throughput Class Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  368. International Training Centre Business & Finance, Business Word, International business
  369. Intercontinental Travel Company Business, Management, Italy
  370. Instrumental Trans Communication
  371. Information-Tek Corporation
  372. Ionic Thermal Current
  373. Intense Training Course
  374. Invisible in the Canal Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  375. Indefinite-Term Contract
  376. Investment Trust Company Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  377. International Tar Conference
  378. Industrial Technology Centre Technology, Canada, Industry
  379. Institutetute for Theory and Computation Science
  380. International Transfer Card
  381. Idaho Tech Council
  382. United States International Trade Commission An independent, quasi-judicial federal agency of the U.S. government that provides information and expertise to the legislative and executive branches of government and directs actions against unfair trade practices. In trade policy, its commissioners assess injury in cases filed under the escape clause, anti-dumping, and countervailing duty statutes. Science, Research, Us, Medical, Technology, Government, United States, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business, Fda, Us Government
  383. Infrared-Training-Center Education, Certification, Thermography
  384. International Tunneling Congress
  385. In The Continuum
  386. Information Technology Centers Education
  387. Istituto Tecnico Commerciale
  388. Instituteuction To Contractors
  389. Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative Computing, Telecom
  390. Innovative Technologies Complex Education, University, Binghamton
  391. Instructional Technology Consultant Science, Education, Learning
  392. International Tax Center
  393. Income Tax Credits
  394. Intercontinental Terminals Company Business, Safety, Houston
  395. Institute Time Clauses Insurance, Organizations, Clause, Hull
  396. Information and Communication Technology Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Financial, Computing, Computer, Special Education, Telecom, Electrical, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, International Development
  397. Invest Trading and Consulting Business, Turkey, Ankara
  398. Integrated Test Configuration Space, Study, Cosmos
  399. ITE in the Canal Medical, Otolaryngology
  400. Instructors Training Course Education, Diving, Dive
  401. International Trypanotolerance Center
  402. Increased Thermal Conductivity
  403. International Air Carrier Association Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Professional organizations, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  404. Intermediate Tile Calorimeter Science
  405. Industry, Trade and Commerce
  406. Industrial Technology Center
  407. Institute Time Clause
  408. International Test Commission Organizations, Psychology, Assessment
  409. Iba Town Center
  410. Tsca Interagency Testing Committee Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation
  411. Infotonics Technology Center Technology, Science, Development
  412. International Translators Center
  413. In The Clear Technology, Patent, Apple
  414. Instructor Training Course (bsac) Scuba Diving, Scientific & Educational
  415. Istituto Di Terapia Cognitiva
  416. Instituteuctional Telecommunications Consortium
  417. International Trade Centre An international agency whose purpose is to help developing countries export. It is a "joint technical cooperation agency" of UNCTAD and the WTO. Technology, Computing, United Nations, Standards, Governmental & Military
  418. Innovative Technologies Corporation
  419. Instructional Technology Committee College, Education, University
  420. International Toy Center
  421. Interamerican Telephone Co
  422. Ieee Transactions On Communications Technology, Education, Journal, Telecom, Bibliographic Code, Telecommunications, Computing, Ieee, Serial Publication
  423. Isothiocyanate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  424. Information, Telecommunication and Computing Technology, Conference, Trend
  425. Interval Time Control
  426. Integrated Terminal Controller
  427. Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation Dutch
  428. Instruction To Contractors
  429. International Technical Consultants
  430. Incorporated Television Company Business, Film, Entertainment
  431. Investment tax credit (policy) Energy, Electrical, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  432. Intermediate Technology Consultants Government
  433. Induction Technology Corporation Technology, Furnace, Melting
  434. Institute of Technology At Central Management, Organizations, Learning
  435. International Telecomputing Consortium
  436. Federal Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce Organization, Planning, Engineering
  437. Information To Controller Technology, Telecom
  438. Norfolk and Western Railroad Organizations
  439. Infotech To Create
  440. International Tomography Center
  441. In The Car
  442. Ionic Thermal Currents Chemistry
  443. Israel Trauma Coalition Organizations, Israel, Jewish
  444. Institutetuto TecnolóGico De Caratinga
  445. IT consolidation Computing, IT Terminology
  446. Innovative Teachers' Companion
  447. Instructional Technology Council Technology, Science, Education
  448. International Touring-Car Championship
  449. Investment Tax Credits Business, Technology, Energy
  450. International Thompson Corporationration
  451. Integral Tube Components
  452. Industry Training Company Australia
  453. Instruction Trace Cache
  454. International Traduction Conseil
  455. Incontinence Treatment Center
  456. International Trade Commission The United States International Trade Commission Medical, Business & Finance, International business, Fda
  457. Intermediate Toll Center Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  458. Induced Technical Change
  459. Institute of Training Concern
  460. International Telecom Center
  461. Italian Technology Center
  462. Information Technology Club College, Education, University
  463. L'Institut Technique Du Chanvre

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITC stand for?

    ITC stands for International Trade Company.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Typeface Corporationration?

    The short form of "International Typeface Corporationration" is ITC.


ITC. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated