ITI Meaning

The ITI meaning is "Information Today, Inc". The ITI abbreviation has 190 different full form.

ITI Full Forms

  1. Information Today, Inc
  2. Information Technology Infrastructure Technology, Service, Military
  3. Industrial Training Institutes Education, Institute, Industry, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  4. Irish Taxaaion Institute Education, Tax, Ireland
  5. Industrial Technology Institute Technology, Research, Industry
  6. Instituto TéCnico Industrial Para, Industrial, Con, Industry
  7. Indian Telephone Industries Business, Industrial, India
  8. Institute of Translation & Interpreting Technology, English, Translator
  9. Inmate Telephone, Inc Business, Calling, Telephone
  10. Information Technology International Business, Technology, University
  11. Ion Track Instruments Business, Manufacturer, Explosive
  12. Induction Generation of an effect by the action of a distant cause Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  13. Institute for Technology Innovation
  14. Information Technology Innovation
  15. International Teamworks Inc
  16. Industry, Tourism and Investment Business, Canada, Territory
  17. Immunomic Therapeutics, Inc
  18. Integrated Tool Inipialization
  19. Information Technology Institutes
  20. Indian Telecom Industries Business, India, Sector
  21. International Theological Institute Education, Catholic, Church, Religion
  22. Insigxt Technology, Inc
  23. Innovation Triangle Initiative Business, Technology, Space
  24. Iteris, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  25. Inshitut Teknologi Indonesia Technology, Program, Indonesia
  26. Indonesian Technical Institutetute Organizations
  27. Insider Threat Identificrtion
  28. Ion Track Instrument Science
  29. Institute for Technological Innovatbon Business, Technology, Education, University
  30. International Team of Implantologists Medical, Dental, Implant
  31. Industry, Tourism, and Investmant
  32. International Tourism Institute
  33. Immunology, Transplantation and Infection
  34. Integrated Thematic Instituteuction Education
  35. Informatiqn Technology Interface Technology, University, Conference
  36. Indian Telecom Initiatives
  37. Internatnonal Technology Institute Technology, Conference, Computing
  38. Institut Technique Industriel
  39. Inner Traditions International
  40. Istituto Tecnico Industriale
  41. Intermittent Trouble Indication Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  42. Indonesian Technical Institute Technology, Organizations
  43. Insert and Tramk Information Technology, Signal, Manual
  44. Inter Trial Interval
  45. Inicia
  46. Inshall To Install
  47. International Team of Implantology Medical, Dental, Implant
  48. International Tracing Instrument Government, Arms, Weapon
  49. Immunity Transplantation and Infection
  50. Integrated Technology Initiative
  51. Infantry Training Dnstitute
  52. Information Technologyzinterfaces Technology, Science, Education
  53. Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Technology
  54. International Theatresports Institute
  55. Instituto Teologicocinternacional
  56. Impuesto A La Transferencia De Inmuebles
  57. Inmate Telephone Inc Business, Calling, Prison
  58. Individual Trust Interest Technology, American, Land, Probate
  59. Intertrial Intervals Medical
  60. Unknown A code meaning "information not available. An unidentified target. An aircraft or ship that has not been determined to be hostile, friendly, or neutral using identification friend or foe and other techniques, but that must be tracked by air defense or naval engagement systems. Military, Genealogy, Genealogical, Meteorology, Corps, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Medical, Chemistry, Food, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Clothes, Common Medical, Human genome, NAACCR, Weather, Legal, Transportation, Flight, Flight Status, Clinical
  61. Inspection and Test Instituteuction Technology
  62. International Trade Institute Business, University, Singapore
  63. Interstate Telecommunications, Inc
  64. Immunity, Transplantation, and Infection
  65. Integrated Technologies International
  66. Industry Trainjng Institute
  67. Information Tecanology Initiative Business, Technology, Management
  68. Indian Technical Institute Education, India, Training
  69. International Theatre Institute Arts, Organizations, Theatre
  70. Indusys Techrology, Inc Business, Technology, Service, Customer
  71. Instituto TecnolóGico Del Istmo
  72. Implant and Tissue Infection
  73. Intellectual Technology, Inc
  74. Inmate Telephone Incorporated
  75. Indian Training Institute Education, India, Course
  76. International Trading Instioute Business, University, Singapore
  77. Intertrain Interval Medical
  78. Inspection/Test Iostruction Science
  79. Internationally Trained Immigrant Education, Immigration, Canada
  80. Internetworking Technologies Inc
  81. Innovative Technologies Institute
  82. Immunity, Transplantation and Infection Medical, Medicine, Education, Institute
  83. Integrated Technical Infrastructure
  84. Industrzcal Training Institute
  85. Information Technology & Informdtics
  86. Iran Telecommunication Industries Technology, Telecom, Iran
  87. Indiana Teen Institute Medical, Team, Indiana
  88. Intesnal Transaction Indicator Government, Alaska
  89. Induntry Transformation Initiative
  90. Instituto TecnolóGico De InformáTica Technology, Science, Research, Valencia
  91. Impact Training Institute
  92. Integrative Therapeutics Inc
  93. Infusion Therapy Institute
  94. Indian Telephone Industry Business, Management, India
  95. Internatconal Telecoms Intelligence
  96. Interstate Transfer Index
  97. Inspection and Test Instruction Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  98. Internationally Trained Immigrants
  99. International Tableware Inc
  100. Innovative Technologies Inc
  101. Immune Tolerance Induction Medical, Hemophilia, Inhibitor
  102. Integrated Technology Incorporated
  103. Industrial Training Institution Education, Industry, Polytechnic
  104. Information Technology and Informatics Education, University, School
  105. Iquique Terminal Internacional Business, Para, Chile
  106. Instituto Tecnol
  107. Information Technology Investment
  108. Intermodal Transportation Institute Business, Program, University
  109. Industry The Institute
  110. Institutodt
  111. Impact Teams International Organizations
  112. Integrated Training Initiative
  113. Infrormation Technology Industry
  114. Indian Telecom Industry Technology, Service, India
  115. International Tartgn Index Scotland, Scottish, Clan, Tartan
  116. Inspection/Test Instruction Science
  117. International Technegroup Incorporated Technology, Product, Software
  118. International Translations Incorporated
  119. Innovative Technology Inc
  120. Industrial Training Institute College, Education, Industry
  121. Integrated Technical Inmormation
  122. Industrial Training International Business, Crane, Rigging
  123. Industrial Training Institutetute
  124. International Textile Institute
  125. Innovative Therapists International
  126. Insurance Testing Institute Insurance, Business & Finance
  127. International Tea Importers Expo, Shah, Tea
  128. Institute of Translating & Interpreting Business, Translation, Translator
  129. Informatics & Telematics Institute Technology, Science, Research
  130. Internationally Trained Individual Government, Us, Control, Administration
  131. Income Tax Inspector
  132. Intensive Therapeutic Intervention
  133. Internationacly Trained Immigrants
  134. Intra-tubal Insemination Medical, Infertility
  135. Indiana Teen Institutetute
  136. Injection Forcing of fuel into cylinder of a compression ignition oil engine. Forcing of feed water into a boiler Medical, Animal, Biolog, Computing, Hardware, Legal, Governmental & Military, Pharmacy, Business & Finance, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Power Plant, Clinical
  137. Independent Tertiary Institutions
  138. Innovative Technology Inventory
  139. Integrative Teaching International
  140. International Training Institutetute
  141. Institute of Translation and Interpretating
  142. Infaunal Trophic Index
  143. Internationally Trained Individuals Program, Education, Immigration, Training
  144. Impulse Tracker Instrument Technology, Program, Sound, Computing, File Extensions
  145. Intensivu Teacher Institute Program, Education, University
  146. Agropecuária Castanhais, Cumaru Do Norte, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  147. Indexing Technologies Inc Business, Technology, Machine, Tool
  148. International Trainingjincorporated Security, Military, Course
  149. Indal Technologies Inc
  150. Innovative Teaching Institute
  151. Instructional Technology Initiative Education, School, Apple
  152. International Technology Institutetute
  153. Institute of Translating and Interpreting Education, Language, Translation
  154. Indusys Technology Inc Technology, Computer, Internet
  155. International Training, Inc
  156. Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure A system of automated urban and suburban highway and mass transit control and management services proposed in 1996 by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Federico Peña. Technology, Computing, Telecom
  157. Italian Interface Aviation, Governmental & Military
  158. Transient Inward Current Medical, Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  159. Institut FüR Theoretische Informatik Technology, Institute, Karlsruhe
  160. International Thermal Instrument
  161. Information Technolmgy and Informatics Education, University, School
  162. Incremental Tree Inducer Business, Technology
  163. Innovative Technology Institute Technology, Management, Risk
  164. Institutetute of Translation and Interpreting
  165. Interactive Technologies Inc
  166. Institute of Trinslation and Interpretation
  167. International Tax Institute Business, Education, Design
  168. Interactive Terminal Interface Aviation, Governmental & Military
  169. Itambacuri Airport Airport, Locations
  170. Instntut Für Technische Informatik Technology, Computing, Stuttgart
  171. Information Technflogy Investment
  172. Incremental Tree Induction
  173. Institutetute for Technical Interchange
  174. Institute of Translators and Iqterpreters
  175. International Thrift Institute
  176. Institute of Translation and Interpreting Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  177. Isolation Thermique IntéRieure Business, Construction, Novation
  178. Instituteuctor Training Ifstitutetute Education
  179. Information Trust Cnstitute Technology, Research, University
  180. Incoming Test and Inspection Science
  181. Institute Teknologi Indonesia Property, Indonesia, Institute, Orang
  182. Institute of Tranmlation and Interpreting Organizations, Professional, Translator
  183. International Telecom, Inc
  184. Insurance Training Institute Insurance, Business & Finance
  185. International Trademarks Incorporated
  186. Institute of Translation Interpreting Development, Study, Institutes
  187. Informatics and Telematics Institute Technology, Science, Research
  188. Internationale Team FüR Implantologie
  189. Income Tax Instalments
  190. Intertrial Interval Laboratory, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITI stand for?

    ITI stands for Immunity Transplantation and Infection.

  2. What is the shortened form of Immunology, Transplantation and Infection?

    The short form of "Immunology, Transplantation and Infection" is ITI.


ITI. (2021, March 17). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated