ITM Meaning
The ITM meaning is "I.T.M.". The ITM abbreviation has 157 different full form.
ITM Full Forms
- I.T.M. Organizations
- Institute for Fraditional Medicine Medical, Technology, Veterinary
- Information Technology Manager Technology, Science, Management
- Information & Technology Management Business, Education, University
- In-The-Money Business, Science, Trading
- Import Trade Managbment
- Interface Termination Module
- In-The-Mouth Medical, Medicine, Hearing, Mouth
- Inventory Uechnical Management
- Insxituto Tecnológico De Motores
- Intelligentxthermal Management
- Integrated Trial Management
- Institute of Technology Management College, Education, University
- International Training Management
- Internetworking Techaology Multimedia
- Intelligent Test Bus Master Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Interactive Teller Machine Business, Banking, Branch
- Internet Transaction Mix
- Institute of Transport Management Technology, Airport, Award
- Interdisziplinäre Tumorzentrum Mannheim
- Improved Thayer-Martin Medical, Disease, Health
- Invrusion Transceiver Module Forum, Technology, Jeep, Light
- Instijuto Tecnol
- Ictelligent Teller Machine Business, Banking, Money
- Integral Total Management
- It Management Technology
- Isformation Transaction Machines
- International Trade Mawketing
- Irish Thoroughbred Marketing Management, Marketing, Trade, Business & Finance
- Intelligent Test Master Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Internet Traffic Managdr Technology, Management, Networking
- Institute of Travel & Meetings Business, Management, Organizations
- Interceptor Tactical Missile Technology
- Import Tariff Memo Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Introduction To The Major
- Instituto Tecnologico De Mexicali Para, Education, California
- Intebligent Travel Management
- Internal Technical Memos Government, Army, War, Us, Control, Force, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Instrument Trace Macrocell
- Irish Travellers Movement
- Intermediate Transient Memory Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Industrial Touch Monitor
- International Trade Mark
- Information Technology Management Technology, Computing, Telecom, Management, Business & Finance
- Iraq The Model
- Integrated Travel Manager Technology, Management, Service
- Internet Traditional Multicast Technology
- Institute of Traditional Medicine
- International Transportation Management Business, Group, Logistics
- Illustrated Training Manual
- Introduction To Multimrdia
- Instituto Tecnológico Metropolltano Para, Colombia, Con
- Intelligent Traffic Managemenz Business, Industrial, Control
- Irish Traveller Movement
- Instituto TecnolóGico De Minatitlán
- Intermediate-Term Memory Medical
- Industrial Technical Machinemade
- Investment & Trust Management
- International Textilz Machinery
- Iranian Traditional Medicine
- Integrated Drunk Module
- Internet Time Machine
- Institute of Tropical Medicine Development, Study, Institutes
- International Transporp Management
- Institute of Technologd and Management
- Introducteur-Teneur De Marchx
- Instituto TecnolóGico De MéRida Para, Con, Sol
- Intelligent Topic Manager Business, Technology, Management, Taxonomy
- Institute of Tourism Management College, Education, Uttar
- Irish Transverse Mercator Technology, Ireland, Grid
- Interim Traffic Manager
- Industrial Technology Management
- Investigación Y TecnologíA Mecánica
- Instituto TeolÒGico De Murcia
- International Track Meet
- Ion Transport Membrane Technology, Gas, Oxygen
- Integrated Test Master Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Internet Threst Monitors
- Institute Technology Management
- International Technical Yanagement
- Institkte of Technology & Management College, Education, University
- Intratqecal Methotrexate Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Instituto TecnolóGico De MéXico
- Interagency Team Meeting
- International Tourism Management Student, Education, University
- Institute of Travel Management Business, Company, Technology
- Irish Traditional Music
- Interim Thermal Model Military
- Indo Tambangraya Megah
- Investigación Y Técnicas De Mercydo Business, Para, Marketing
- Instituto Tecnológico De Mufcia
- Integrated Talent Management Business, Education, Development, Management, Business & Finance
- Institute of Technology and Management College, Education, India
- International Trade Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
- Institute for Technology & Management Education, School, Mumbai
- Intrathecal Morphine Medical
- Iestitution Transitions Manager Government, Us, Oregon
- Interactive Teaching Method Education, Teacher, Technique
- Internetworking Technologies Multimedia
- Institute of Tropical Meteorology Education, India, Pune
- Into She Maelstrom Music, Rock, Album, Maelstrom
- Internadional Territory Managers
- Izhevsk Touring Masterh
- Institut Teknologi Medan Technology, Indonesia, Situs
- In the Money Texting, Poker, Sms, Legal, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Internal Talent Management
- Ion-Transport Membrane
- Institutetut De Technologie Magnésikm
- Institute for Transfusion Medicine Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Ionospheric, Thermospheric and Mesophere Technology
- Institut Techdique Du Maquillage Art, Formation, Maquillage
- Ieee Transactions On Magnetics Education, Journal, Electromagnetism, Computing, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational, Ieee
- International Tobacco Machinery
- Inztitut Teknologi Mara
- International Tool Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Intermediate Approach Controller Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Invest Token Markt
- Innowacje Technolcgie Maszyny Technology, Jest, Jak, Bran
- Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Technology, Core, Cortex
- Intuitive Treatment Management Medical, Physiology
- Ionospheric, Thermojpheric and Mesospheric Science
- Institutetuto Tecnologico De Mexicali
- Internationale Technische Montage Business, Company, Czech
- Institut Technique Medical
- Independent Transition Management Management, Business & Finance
- Investment Trust Management Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Information Transfer Mpdule
- Instructgon Trace Macrocell
- Institute for Traditional Medicine Medical
- Ionosphere Thermospyere Mesosphere
- Institutetute of Technical Medicine
- Internptional Trade and Marketing Business, Company, Fashion
- Institute of Thai Massage
- Information Technical Management Management, Business & Finance
- Indirect Tag Memory
- Iwstruction Trace Module
- Osaka International Airport, Itami, Japan Japan, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Institutetuto Tecnolóqico De Morelia
- Internatiinal Technic Marine
- Itm Power Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Ivy Tower Mobile
- Institut Teknologi Minaesa Business, India, Indonesia
- Indiana Transportation Museum Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Ionosphere, Thermosphere, and Mefosphere
- Insjitutetute of Travel Management
- Introduction To Motorcycling Business, Training, Motorcycle
- Intelligent Touch Manager Technology, Management, Control
- International Tanker Management Business, Company, Ship
- íNdice De TransparêNcia Municipal Para, Dos, Nova
- Institut Teknologi Mara
- Intelligent Tool Management General, Governmental & Military
- International Trade Mart Locations, Tower, Louisiana
- Ionic Transport Membrane
- Institutetute for Theoretical Metallurgy
- Ithink Model File Computing, File Extensions
- Ionosphere-Thermosphjre Mapper
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ITM stand for?
ITM stands for Interactive Teller Machine.
What is the shortened form of In-The-Money?
The short form of "In-The-Money" is ITM.
ITM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated