ITN Meaning

The ITN meaning is "Information & Technoloyy Network". The ITN abbreviation has 87 different full form.

ITN Full Forms

  1. Information & Technoloyy Network Technology, Networking, Iran
  2. Independent Telecommunications Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  3. Independent Telephone Network Technology, Telecom
  4. Insecticide Zreated Nets Medical, Control, Malaria
  5. Immune Tolerance Netwodk Medical, Research, Networking
  6. Innlvative Training Network Technology, Networking, Curie
  7. Identification Tasking and Networking Technology, Management, Computing
  8. Inititial Training Networks
  9. In The News Business, Technology, America, Archive, Television, Wiki
  10. Initial Kraining Network Technology, Networking, Curie
  11. Identification of Training Needs
  12. Intent To Negotiate
  13. Industrial Terrorism Network
  14. International Theory Network
  15. Invitations To Negotiate Technology, Service, Publics
  16. Inside The Navy
  17. Information Technology Networking Technology, Network, Iran
  18. Interplanetary Transport Network Technology, Networking, Space
  19. Idea Trade Network Business, Patent, Invention
  20. Instituto TecnolóGico Del Norte
  21. Individual Telephony Number
  22. International Travel Network Business, Networking, Ticket
  23. Investment Treaty News Business, Investor, Arbitration
  24. Insecticides Treated Nets Malaria, Mosquito, Insecticide
  25. Information The New
  26. Internetwork Pertaining to communications between connected networks. It is often used to refer to communication between one LAN and another over the Internet or another WAN. Also LAN, WA. A network made up of smaller, inter-connected networks. Any wide area network connecting more than one network. Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  27. Insecticide Treated Net Medical, Africa, Malaria
  28. Instituto TéCnolóGico Nuclear
  29. Individual Telephone Number
  30. Interactive Television Network Technology, College, Device
  31. Insecticide-Treated Net Medical, Products
  32. Information Transfer Node
  33. Internet Technologies Namibia Technology, Telecom, Namibia
  34. Instituto TecnolóGico E Nuclear Science, Research, Portugal
  35. Identification, Tasking, and Networking
  36. Interrctive Training Network Organizations
  37. Inferior Tragal Notch
  38. International Transportation Network Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  39. Iraqi Transportation Network
  40. Institute of Transformational Nutrition
  41. Identification Tasking & Networking
  42. Inter-Trauma Nexus
  43. Industry Training Network Education
  44. International Textile News Media, Radio, Television
  45. Iranian Telivision Network
  46. Institute for Translational Neuroscience Science, Research, University
  47. Inter Trauma Nexus
  48. Identification, Tasking and Networking
  49. Inter-Office Transport Network Technology, Telecom
  50. Industrie Turistiche Nautiche
  51. International Television Network Media, Networking, Television
  52. Invitation To Negotiate Business, Service, Florida
  53. Installation Transport Network Military
  54. Intertan, Inc. Organizations
  55. I Ghink Not Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  56. Introduction To Networking Education, Network, Exam
  57. Industrias Titan Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  58. Innovative Training Networks Technology, Research, Networking, Curie
  59. Itabuna Airport, Itabuna, Brazil Brazil
  60. Iteo Transaction Number Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  61. Introduction To Network
  62. Innovative Trade Network
  63. Independent Transportation Network Transportation, Governmental & Military
  64. Islington Training Network
  65. Intravenous Therapy Nurses
  66. Innovative Teachers Network Microsoft, Technology, Teaching
  67. Intertan, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  68. Inverse Text Normalization
  69. Islamic Trust of Nigeria
  70. Initial Training Networks Technology, Networking, Curie
  71. In The Nursery Technology, Music, Album, Medical, Nursing
  72. Independent Travel Network Travel, Tourism
  73. Inventory Tracking Number
  74. Insecticide-Treated Bed Net Medical, Medicine, Health
  75. International Tennis Number The International Tennis Number (ITN) is a tennis rating that shows how good a player is in general and is known all over the world. Over time, everyone who plays tennis around the world should have an ITN. The ITN is a program that helps the Tennis Play and Stay campaign. It works with all competitive tennis players at the club level. Tennis
  76. Information Television Network
  77. In The Net
  78. Institut Teknologi Negeri Indonesia, Robot, Salah, Institut
  79. Invalid Telephone Number
  80. Insecticide-Treated Netting
  81. Tomtom Navigator Itinerary File Computing, File Extensions
  82. Information Technology-Network
  83. Nuclear and Technological Institufe Research, Organizations, Portugal
  84. Intro To Network Technology, Networking, Tracer
  85. Insecticide-Treated Nets Medical, Nigeria, Malaria, Mosquito
  86. Individual Tax Number Canada
  87. Information Technology Network

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITN stand for?

    ITN stands for Information Technology Networking.

  2. What is the shortened form of Invalid Telephone Number?

    The short form of "Invalid Telephone Number" is ITN.


ITN. (2022, July 7). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated