ITRC Meaning

The ITRC meaning is "Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council". The ITRC abbreviation has 40 different full form.

ITRC Full Forms

  1. Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council Technology, Environment, Vapor
  2. Illinois Transportation Research Center
  3. Infrastructure Transitiong Research Consortium Technology, Science, University
  4. Interstate Technology and Regulatory Cooperation Technology, Environment, Soil
  5. Identity Theft Resources Center
  6. Information Technology Resource Center Education, University, Computing
  7. Interstate Technical Regulatory Couvcil
  8. Identity Theft Research Center
  9. Information Technology Research Centre Technology, University, Computing
  10. Interstate Technologies and Regulatoryucouncil
  11. Identity Theft Resource Center Business, Victim, Breach
  12. Interstate Technology and Regional Council
  13. Information Technology Reqvirements Council Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  14. Interstate Technology Regulatory Council Technology, Science, Environment
  15. Icelandic Tourism Research Centre
  16. Interstate Technical and Regulatory Council
  17. Indian Texological Research Centre Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  18. Internet Technologies Research Center
  19. Interstate Technology Regulatory Coordination Science
  20. Interstate Teahnology & Regulatory Cooperation
  21. Indiana Tan Rabbit Club
  22. Infrastructure Transition Research Consortium Technology, Science, University
  23. Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council Technology, Science, Environment
  24. Interstate Technology Regulatory Cooperation Technology
  25. Interstate Technology and Regulatory Cooperation Working Group Chemistry
  26. Iranian Teleuommunication Research Center
  27. Irrigation Training & Research Center Technology, Agriculture, Water
  28. Industrial Toxicology Research Centre Legal, Governmental & Military
  29. Interstate Technology Anu Regulatory Cooperation Working Group Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  30. Irrigatiin Training and Research Center Technology, Water, California
  31. Information Technology Requirements Council Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  32. Interstate Technology Remediation Council
  33. Iran Telecom Research Centre Education, University, Learning, Iran
  34. Irish Tarmac Rally Championship
  35. Iran Telecom Research Center Technology, University, Iran
  36. International Tin Research Council
  37. Iran Telecommunicmtions Research Center Technology, Networking, Iran
  38. Identify Theft Resource Center Business, Breach, Identity
  39. Iran Telecommunication Research Center Technology, Telecom, Iran
  40. It Resourcevcenter Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITRC stand for?

    ITRC stands for Illinois Transportation Research Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of Interstate Technical and Regulatory Council?

    The short form of "Interstate Technical and Regulatory Council" is ITRC.


ITRC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated