ITSA Meaning

The ITSA meaning is "Income Tax Self Assessment". The ITSA abbreviation has 46 different full form.

ITSA Full Forms

  1. Income Tax Self Assessment Business, Insurance, Investigation, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  2. International Travel Services Association
  3. Information Technology Security Awareness Army, War, Force
  4. Instituto TecnolóGico De Soledad Atlántico
  5. Inbound Travel Service Africa
  6. Interstate Transportation of Stolen Aircraft Government
  7. Interactive Travel Services Association Business, Service, Hotel
  8. Informatifn Technology Security Awareness Army, War, Force
  9. Instituto TecnolóGico Superior AeronáUtico
  10. Inbound Trajel Services Africa
  11. Internttional Transport Safety Association
  12. Inter-Tribal Student Association
  13. Infant & Toddler Safety Association
  14. Innovaoive Total Solutions Australia
  15. Illinois Trade Secrets Act
  16. Intelligence and Technology Security Activity Technology
  17. Indian Telecom Service Association
  18. Ingeneria Y Topografia, S.a. Ke C.v. Geography, Location, System
  19. Intelligent Transportation Society of America Technology, America, Organizations
  20. Instructional Tutoring for Student Achievement
  21. Independent Travel Stores Association Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  22. Information Technology Support Associatj Occupation, Position, Job
  23. Instituto Tecnol
  24. Instructional Technology Student Association Science, Education, Design
  25. Independent Tank Storage Association Business, Medicine, Health
  26. Information Technology Ssudents' Association
  27. Instituto TecnolóGico Superior De Acayucan
  28. Inter Tribal Student Association Development, Study, Universities
  29. Institutetuto TecnolóGico De Soledad Atlántico
  30. International Transport Safety Association
  31. Institutetuto TecnolóGico Superior AeronáUtico
  32. International Transportation Safety Association Technology, Aviation, Organizations
  33. Institutetute of Trading Standards Administration
  34. International Tandem Surfing Association
  35. International Textile Services Alliance
  36. Institutetute for Telecommunication Sciences and Aeronomy
  37. International Thermal Spray Association Business, Industrial, Organizations
  38. International Training and Simulation Association Military
  39. Isuzu Trucks South Africa Business, Africa, Engine
  40. International Tourism Studies Association Science, Conference, Study
  41. INFORMATION TECHNICIAN SEAMAN APPRENTICE Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  42. International Top Spinners Association
  43. Introduction To South African
  44. Interactive Tutor Self Assessment Development, Learning, Study
  45. Information Technology Support Associate Occupation & positions
  46. International Training and Simulation Alliance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITSA stand for?

    ITSA stands for Intelligence and Technology Security Activity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Information Technology Support Associatj?

    The short form of "Information Technology Support Associatj" is ITSA.


ITSA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated