ITU in Technology Meaning

The ITU meaning in Technology terms is "International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication". There are 34 related meanings of the ITU Technology abbreviation.

ITU on Technology Full Forms

  1. International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication
  2. International Telecommunications Union Is an agency of the United Nations (UN) whose purpose is to coordinate telecommunication operations and services throughout the world. Originally founded in 1865, as the International Telegraph Union, the ITU is the oldest existing international organization.
  3. Image Transfer Unit
  4. International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication
  5. Institutetute for Transuranium Elements
  6. International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunications
  7. International Telecommuncations Union
  8. International Telecommunications Union-Radiocommunication
  9. Institute for Transuranium Elements
  10. International Telecomunication Union
  11. International Telecom Union
  12. International Telecommunications-Union
  13. Install Time Update
  14. International Telcommunication Union
  15. Internet Telecommunication Union
  16. International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunications
  17. Information Technology Unit
  18. Intend To Use
  19. Internet Telecommunications Union
  20. International Telecommunications Unions
  21. Istanbul Technicalpuniversity
  22. Internation Telecommunication Union
  23. International Telecommunications Unit
  24. Internation Telecommunications Union
  25. International Telecomunications Union
  26. International Telecommunicatons Union
  27. International Telecom-Munication Union
  28. International Telecommunication Union-Standardization
  29. International Telecommunication Union-Telephony
  30. International Telecommunication Union An international organization under the UN that is concerned with telecommunications.
  31. International Telecommunications Union-MEЖДyНАРОДНЫЙ
  32. Integrated Timer Unit
  33. International Telecommunications Union-MEЖДyНАРОДНЫИ
  34. Integrated Terrain Unit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITU stand for Technology?

    ITU stands for Internation Telecommunications Union in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internation Telecommunications Union in Technology?

    The short form of "Internation Telecommunications Union" is ITU for Technology.


ITU in Technology. (2021, December 6). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated