ITV Meaning

The ITV meaning is "In-Transit Visibility". The ITV abbreviation has 50 different full form.

ITV Full Forms

  1. In-Transit Visibility Emergency, Locations, Logistics
  2. Inspiratory Threshold Valve Medical
  3. Inspección TéCnica Vehicular Para, Argentina, Con
  4. Internationales Teleskoptreffen Vogelsberg Astronomy, Germany, Telescope
  5. Intelligent Time Vector Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  6. In-Transit Vulnerability Military
  7. Inspección TéCnica Del VehíCulo
  8. Integrated Technology Ventures
  9. In-Transit Visibility Intra Transit Visibility Military
  10. Inspección Técnica De Sehículos Para, Con, Sin
  11. Integration Test Vehicle Technology
  12. In-Torch Vaporization Medical
  13. Interagency Transaction Voucher Business, Finance
  14. Inspecciones TéCnicas De VehíCulos Para, Con, Toledo
  15. Integrated Test Vehicle
  16. In-Tank Vehicle Science
  17. Interactive Television and Video
  18. Inspeccin Tcnica De Vehculos
  19. Integrated Technology Validation Technology, Space, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  20. Improved Tow Vehicle Military, Army, Vehicle
  21. Interactive Television Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, General, Governmental & Military
  22. Incremental Threshold Value Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  23. Intake Throttle Valve
  24. Impedance Threshold Valve Medical
  25. Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle Science
  26. Inter-Transit Visibility Military
  27. Income Tax Verification
  28. Internally Transportable Vehicle Technology, Military, Light
  29. Improved TOW Vehicle (US) Transportation, United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  30. Independently Targeted Vehicle
  31. Internally-Transportable Vehicle Technology, Military, Light
  32. Instructional Telecommunications and Video Computing, Telecom
  33. Internal Transfer Vchicle
  34. Irradiation Test Vehicle
  35. Interagency Transfer Voucher Business
  36. Its Terry Venables Funnies
  37. Internal Target Volume Medical, Science, Medical physics
  38. Investment To Value Business, Credit, Cash, Mortgage
  39. Itv Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  40. Internal Transfer Vehicle
  41. Instructional Television Study, Scientific & Educational
  42. In Transit Visibility Business, Management, Military
  43. Institutetuto Teotónio Vilela
  44. Internally Transported Vehicle Military, Osprey, Battlefield
  45. Instituteuctional Television Study, Scientific & Educational
  46. In The Vortex
  47. Inspeção TéCnica Veicular Para, Magazine, Dos
  48. Internally Transportable Vheicle Military
  49. Instructional Television and Video Study, Scientific & Educational
  50. Inspección TéNica De VehíCulos Para, Con, Sin

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ITV stand for?

    ITV stands for In-Tank Vehicle.

  2. What is the shortened form of Its Terry Venables?

    The short form of "Its Terry Venables" is ITV.


ITV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated