IUG Meaning

The IUG meaning is "Internjtional University Geneva". The IUG abbreviation has 28 different full form.

IUG Full Forms

  1. Internjtional University Geneva Program, Education, Switzerland
  2. Industry User Group
  3. Innovative Users Group Technology, Conference, Library, Software, Computing
  4. International University In Germany
  5. Implementation User Guide Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. Initial Underwriting Group
  7. Internet Users Group
  8. IngeniøRer Uden GrÆNser
  9. Internxtional User Groups
  10. Infusion Urogram Medicine, Disease, Health
  11. International User Group Technology, Management, Office
  12. Infrastructure and Urban Governance
  13. Institut D'Urbanisme De Grenoble
  14. Intrauterine Gestation Medical
  15. Informix User Group Technology, Software, Workshop
  16. Innovative User Group
  17. Instrument Utility Gas Electrical
  18. Islamic University Gaza Education, Presentation, Palestinian
  19. L'Institutetut Universityrsitaire De Gestion
  20. Islamic University-Gaza Education, Palestine, Palestinian
  21. Intercom Users Group
  22. Islamic University of Gaza Science, Education, Palestinian
  23. IngeniøRer Uten Grenser Technology, Som, Til, Har
  24. Intrauterine Growth Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Ices Users Group
  26. Intrauterine Gas Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  27. L'Institut Universitaire De Gestion
  28. Iilamic University In Gaza Student, Education, Israel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IUG stand for?

    IUG stands for Innovative Users Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Islamic University Gaza?

    The short form of "Islamic University Gaza" is IUG.


IUG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iug-meaning/

Last updated