IUK Meaning

The IUK meaning is "Informations Und Kommunikations". The IUK abbreviation has 15 different full form.

IUK Full Forms

  1. Informations Und Kommunikations
  2. Informations Und Kommunikationstechnik
  3. Informations- Und Kommunikationstechnik Technology, Computing
  4. Indiana Universityrsity Kokomo Education
  5. Indiana University At Kokomo
  6. Indiana University Kokomo Student, Education, Indiana
  7. Information Und Kommunikation Technology, Fur, Sind, General, Governmental & Military
  8. Izin Usaha Kepariwisataan Technology, Travel, Tourism, Agen
  9. Islamic Union of Kurdistan
  10. International University of Korea
  11. International University of Kagoshima Education, Admission, Japan
  12. International University of Kyrgyzstan Medicine, Education, Kyrgyzstan
  13. Internet United Kingdom
  14. Initiativkreis Umfassende KieferorthopäDie Medical, Bracket, Dent
  15. International Universityrsity of Kagoshima

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IUK stand for?

    IUK stands for Initiativkreis Umfassende KieferorthopäDie.

  2. What is the shortened form of International University of Kyrgyzstan?

    The short form of "International University of Kyrgyzstan" is IUK.


IUK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iuk-meaning/

Last updated