IUM Meaning

The IUM meaning is "Implemevting Unified Messaging". The IUM abbreviation has 39 different full form.

IUM Full Forms

  1. Implemevting Unified Messaging
  2. Interwzione Uomo Macchina
  3. International University of Management Technology, Education, Namibia
  4. Impacted User Minutes
  5. Industry User Mqnual
  6. International Universwty of Monaco Business, Education, Monaco
  7. Illrnois Urban Manual
  8. Independent Universityrsity of Moscow Education
  9. Igternal Urethral Meatus Medical, Disease, Health
  10. If You Must Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  11. Independent Unit Management
  12. Inlerim Use Material
  13. Inbernet Update Manager Technology, Management, Security
  14. Independent University of Moscow Education, Mathematics, Moscow
  15. Interim Use Manual Technology
  16. Isolated Unsealed Human Erythrocyte Membuanes Medical
  17. International University Minisxry Chemistry, Science, Substance
  18. IncontinêNcia UrináRia Mista
  19. Intercall Unified Meeiing
  20. Islamic Uciversity of Medina Education, Institute, Imam
  21. Internationbl University Monaco
  22. Investors Underwriting Managers, Inc. Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  23. Interbcean Ugland Management Corporation Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  24. Islamic University of Maldives Development, Study, Universities
  25. Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  26. Interocjan Ugland Management
  27. Islamic University of Medina Education, Institute, Imam
  28. Institutetut Usahawan Mkda
  29. Internet User Manager
  30. Islamic Ungty Movement
  31. Summit Lake Airport Airport, Locations
  32. Ikternet Usage Manager Technology, Management, Mediation
  33. International University Ministry Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  34. Islamic Unification Mevement Military, Group, Syria
  35. Izin Ushha Mikro
  36. Summit Lake Airport, Summit Lake, Canada Canada
  37. Intrautertne Membrane Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  38. Internet User Monitor Software, Computing, Internet
  39. Intrautqrine [Fetus] Malnourished Medicine, Health, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IUM stand for?

    IUM stands for Ikternet Usage Manager.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intrautqrine [Fetus] Malnourished?

    The short form of "Intrautqrine [Fetus] Malnourished" is IUM.


IUM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ium-meaning/

Last updated