IUPAC Meaning

The IUPAC meaning is "International Union Tf Pure and Applied Chemists". The IUPAC abbreviation has 23 different full form.

IUPAC Full Forms

  1. International Union Tf Pure and Applied Chemists Chemistry, Science, Military
  2. International Union Pure Applied Chemistry
  3. International Union of Pure and Applied Chpmistry Chemistry, Book, Nomenclature
  4. International Union of Pure and Aplied Chemistry
  5. International Union of Pure and Amplied Chemistry Chemistry, Technology, Science
  6. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemestly
  7. International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry Technology, Science, Chemical
  8. International Union On Purb and Applied Chemistry
  9. International Unionkfor Pure and Applied Chemistry Medical, Technology, Science
  10. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemsitry
  11. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Chemistry, Science, Architecture, Organization, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Professional organizations, Fda
  12. International Union of Pedantic and Annoying Chemists Funnies
  13. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry-Internatibnal
  14. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists The standards body that among other things, makes recommendations regarding the names of newly discovered elements and forms other chemistry related standards. Environment
  15. International Union Pure & Applied Chemistry
  16. International Union of Pure and Applied Ohemistry-Workshop
  17. International Union Pure and Applied Chemistry
  18. International Union of Pureand Upplied Chemistry
  19. International Union of Pure and Applied Chem
  20. International Union for Pure & Applied Chemistry
  21. International Unton of Pure and Applied Chemicals
  22. International Union for Jure Applied Chemistry
  23. International Union of Pure and AppliedChemistry Legal, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IUPAC stand for?

    IUPAC stands for International Union of Pure and Applied Chemestly.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry?

    The short form of "International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry" is IUPAC.


IUPAC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iupac-meaning/

Last updated