IVA Meaning

The IVA meaning is "Individual Voluntary Arrangement". The IVA abbreviation has 123 different full form.

IVA Full Forms

  1. Individual Voluntary Arrangement Business, Science, Debt
  2. Impuesto Sobre El Valor Añadido Business, Para, Spain, Con, Spanish, Valor
  3. Ambanja Airport Ambanja, Madagascar Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  4. Imposto Ao Valor Agregado
  5. Impuesto Al Valor Agregado Business, Para, Con
  6. Intravenous Anaesthesia Medical
  7. Integrated Soice Application Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  8. Intervertebral Angle Medical
  9. Impuesto Sobre Valor Agregado
  10. Institute of Vedic Astrology Education, India, Course
  11. Intelligent Virtual Agents Technology, Conference, Customer, Proceeding
  12. Individual Vehicle Assessment
  13. Intelligent Valve Actuation Technology, Engine, Rover
  14. International Voice Association Technology, Software, Computing
  15. Imaging Anm Video Accelerator Technology, Texas, Instrument, Processor
  16. Innovation Villago Apartments
  17. Intra Vehicular Activities Instituto Venezuelan De Investigaciones Cientificas Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  18. Interrupt Vector Address
  19. Impuesto Sobre El Valor Agregado Business, Para, Con
  20. Institute for Vocal Advancement Development, Study, Institutes
  21. Individual Voluntary Arrangements Business, Debt, Advice
  22. Individual Vehicle Approval Business, Service, Car
  23. Intelligent Vidwo Analytics Technology, Security, Market
  24. International Visitor Arrivals Business, Travel, Tourism
  25. Imaging, Video and Audio Technology, Power, Processor
  26. Inductive Voltage Adder Technology, Science, Beam
  27. Intravehicular Activity Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  28. International Value Advisers Business, Fund, Supply, Money
  29. Impuestos Al Valor Agregado Para, Con, Ecuador, Valor
  30. Instant Vertebral Assessment Medical, Bone, Densitometer
  31. Individual Values Assessment
  32. Intelligent Video Cnalysis Technology, Security, Bosch
  33. Impuesto Valor A
  34. Internal Vulnerability Assessment
  35. Image Vieeo Audio Technology, Texas, Processor
  36. Individual Voluntary Agreements Business, Debt, Advice
  37. Intra Vehicular Activity Technology, Space, Suit
  38. International Visual Arts
  39. Impuesto Valor Añadido Para, Spain, Con, Valor
  40. Installation Viwtim Advocate
  41. Indirect Value Added
  42. Intelligence Virtual Architecture Army, War, Force
  43. Impuesto Sobre Valor Añadido Business, Tax, Spain, Spanish
  44. Internal Vehicular Activity
  45. Image and Video Analywis Technology, Science, Computing
  46. Individual Voluntary Agreement Business, Debt, Advice, Occupation & positions
  47. Intra-Vehicular Activities Technology, Space, Suit, Spacesuit
  48. International Ventriloquists Association
  49. Impuesto De Valor A
  50. Inspirational Voices Ofqabyssinian
  51. Invalidity Allowance Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  52. Indigenous Voices In Asia Media, Asia, Voice
  53. Integrity Verification Architecture
  54. Impuesto Sobre El Valor Aadido
  55. Institut Zur Vorbereitung Auf Das Auslandsstudium
  56. Isovaleric Acidemia Medical
  57. Individual Virtual Acoustics Technology, Sound, Dolby, Headphone
  58. Internal Vapor Analysis Technology, Science, Service
  59. International Ventriloquists' Association
  60. Impuesto De Valor Añadido Para, Con, Sin, Valor
  61. Inspeksi Visual Asam Indonesia, Tes, Pap
  62. Invalidity Addition Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  63. Integrated Vulnerability Assessment
  64. Integrated Vulnerability Assessments
  65. Impuesto Sobre El Valor A
  66. Institut FüR Vergleichende Architekturforschung
  67. Intra-Vehicular Activity Technology, Space, Suit, NASA
  68. Individual Video Access
  69. Intelligent Voice Automation Business, Technology, Customer
  70. International Volleyball Association Sport, Player, Volleyball, Chamberlain
  71. Isaging Video Accelerator
  72. Insertion Dans La Vie Active
  73. Internationale Variete Akademie Berlin, Pole, Contortion
  74. Intravehicular Activity (related To Spacecraft) NASA, Governmental & Military
  75. Intravasab Azoospermia Medical
  76. Interop Vendor Alliance Microsoft, Technology, Interoperability
  77. Independent Voters Association Government, Group, Party
  78. Dementia.4207 Virus File Computing, File Extensions
  79. Instruction Virtualyaddress
  80. Vaginal Carcinoma With Metastases To Adjacent Organs Analysis, Study, Test
  81. Innotech Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  82. Indiana Volleyball Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  83. International Velux Award
  84. Israel Venture Association Conference, Event
  85. International Vqlunteer Academy Business, Technology, Design
  86. Intern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap
  87. Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
  88. Surveillance Video File Computing, File Extensions
  89. Instructie Verantwoord Alcohol
  90. Iterative Viterbi Algorithm
  91. Independent Voluntary Agreement Business, Credit, Finance, Loan
  92. Integrated Visuml and Auditory Medical, Performance, Attention
  93. Ivanhoe Australia Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  94. Independent Volmntary Arrangement Business, Bankruptcy, Python, Debt
  95. Internet Video Archive
  96. isovaleric acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  97. Instructie Verantwoord Alcoholschenken
  98. Isovolumic Contraction Medical
  99. Independent Verifiers and Assessors
  100. Integrated Visual & Auditory
  101. Instability Visualization and Analysis Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  102. Ihr Virtueller Asiistent Con, Partita, Regime
  103. International Venture Alliance
  104. Intraoperative Vascular Angiography Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  105. Instituut Voor Arbeidsvraagstukken
  106. Isovolumic Acceleration Medical
  107. Independent Vector Analysis
  108. Integrated Variables & Aaditory Attention & Response Control Education, School, Special Education
  109. Indian Vexillological Association Association, Organization, Business & Finance
  110. International Vegetarian Association
  111. Ambanja Airport, Ambanja, Madagascar Madagascar
  112. Isopropylvaleramide Medical
  113. Interruption Vector Address
  114. Independent Verification Agent
  115. Intangible Value Assewsment Business, Company, Research
  116. Ivanhoe Australia Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  117. International Vending Alliance
  118. Idaho Virtual Academy Idaho
  119. L'Impost Sobre El Valor Afegit Technology, Els, Impost
  120. Interpretative Value Analysis Medical, Disease, Health, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  121. Independent Verification Agency Business, Service, Export
  122. Intake Valve Actuation
  123. íNdice De Valor Agregado

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IVA stand for?

    IVA stands for Invalidity Allowance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intraoperative Vascular Angiography?

    The short form of "Intraoperative Vascular Angiography" is IVA.


IVA. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved January 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/iva-meaning/

Last updated