Ivory Abbreviations and Ivory Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Ivory terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Ivory abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Ivory terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Ivory Abbreviations
  1. AFCD : Agriculture, Fosheries & Conservation Department
  2. DDR : Doctoral Dissertation Research
  3. MIKE : Monitoring The Illegal Killing of Elephants
  4. MPJ : Movement for Peace and Justice
  5. ESAC : Endangered Species Advisory Committee
  6. SM2 : Scary Movie 2
  7. PIKE : Proportion of Illegally Killed Elephants
  8. IUGB : International University of Grand Bassam
  9. NTSCIU : National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit
Latest Ivory Meanings
  1. National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit
  2. International University of Grand Bassam
  3. Proportion of Illegally Killed Elephants
  4. Scary Movie 2
  5. Endangered Species Advisory Committee
  6. Movement for Peace and Justice
  7. Monitoring The Illegal Killing of Elephants
  8. Doctoral Dissertation Research
  9. Agriculture, Fosheries & Conservation Department