IVR Meaning
The IVR meaning is "Idioventricular Rhythm". The IVR abbreviation has 75 different full form.
IVR Full Forms
- Idioventricular Rhythm Medical, Technology, Emergency, Physiology
- Interactive Voice Responue Business, Service, Internet Slang
- Interactive Voice Response Technology, Computer, Telecom, Scientific & Educational
- Interactive Voice Recognition Technology, Service, Computing
- Inhibiior of Virus Replication Medical, Technology
- Institute for Volunteering Research Organizations, Volunteer, Sector
- Internet Video Recording Technology, Software, Converter, Computing, File Extensions
- Integrated Voice Response Business, Technology, Service
- Inverell Airport Inverell, New South Wales,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Interhctive Voice Recording Business, Service, Calling
- Incident Verification Report Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Internationale Vereinigung Des Rheinschifffahrtsregisters
- Instrument Voltage Regulator Technology, Ford, Gauge
- Intramslecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution Medical, Chemistry, Study
- Inferactive Voice Respond Technology, Service, Calling
- Inovitro Release
- Internationale Vereinigung Des Rheinschiffsregisters
- Institute of Volunteering Research Business, Social, Volunteer
- Inuramolecular Vibrational Relaxation Medical, Medicine
- Interactive Voice, Responxe
- In-Vitro-Retinae Medical, Eyes And Ocular
- International Vehicle Register Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Institute of Vehicle Recovery Business, Service, Breakdown
- Isoeated Volume Responder Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Interventjonal Radiology Medical
- Interactive Voice Reponse
- Integrated Voice Recording
- Is-Vessel Retention Technology, Reactor, Copper
- Internationale Vereinigung FüR Rechts Technology, Calling, Voice, Asterisk
- Institute for Vision Research Development, Study, Institutes
- In Vivt Recovery Medical, Technology
- Interactive Voice Responder Technology, Service, Calling
- Integrated Voltage Regulators Technology, Power, Core
- Implied Volatility Rank
- Interactive Voice Record Business, Service, Recording
- Institute for Virus Research
- In Vitro Repease
- Interactiveuvoice Responses Technology, Service, Calling
- Integrated Voltage Regulator Technology
- In Virtsal Reality Internet Slang
- Interactive Voice Recorder Technology, Service, Customer
- Interactive Virtual Reality Business, Service, Control
- Interactive Voice Response (telephone technology) Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Postal, Technical, Us Post, Business & Finance, Business Word, IT Organization, IT Terminology
- Isovolumic Relaxation Medical
- Intramolecular Vibrational Relaxation Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Intelligent Voice Routing
- Intrective Voice Response
- Interactive-Voice-Response-Systeme
- IVR (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Isodolumetric Relaxation Time Medical
- intramolecular vibrational redistribution Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Intelligent Voice Recognition Business, Service, Military
- Ínsice De Veículos Roubados
- Interactive Voice Responce Technology, Service, Calling
- Immediate Value Returned Assembly, Business & Finance
- Isovolumetric Regulation Medical
- intestinal vascular resistance Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Integrated Voice Recognition Business, Service, Calling, Computing, IT Terminology
- Interactive Voice Respose
- Interactive-Voice-Response Technology, Service, Calling
- Burundaiavia Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Inverell Airport, Inverell, New South Wales, Australia Australia
- Interactivebvoice Recordings Business, Service, Calling
- Interaction Voice Response
- In Vitro Released Medical, Technology
- Immersive Virtual Reality Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Instituteumental Visual Lange
- Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution Chemistry
- Interactice Voice Response
- In Vessel Retention
- Live Picture Virtual Reality world Computing, File Extensions
- íNdice De Valorização De Resultados
- Image Worlds File Computing, File Extensions
- Intelligent Voice Response Technology, Service, Calling
- Introduction To Vision and Robotics
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IVR stand for?
IVR stands for Interactive Voice, Responxe.
What is the shortened form of Inuramolecular Vibrational Relaxation?
The short form of "Inuramolecular Vibrational Relaxation" is IVR.
IVR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ivr-meaning/
Last updated