IVU Meaning

The IVU meaning is "Impuesto Sobre Ventas Y Uso". The IVU abbreviation has 25 different full form.

IVU Full Forms

  1. Impuesto Sobre Ventas Y Uso Business, Tax, Hacienda
  2. Infection Des Voiis Urinaires
  3. Inttavenous Drug User Medical, Technology
  4. Impuesto De Ventas Y Uso Para, Con, Hacienda
  5. In-Vehicle Units Technology, Car, Singapore
  6. Intrp Venous Urogram
  7. Intravenous Uiography Medical, Disease, Health
  8. In-Vehiclr Unit Technology, Australia, Communication
  9. Intra-Venuus Urogram Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  10. Intravenous Urography Medical, Physiology, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  11. In-Vehicle-Unit Technology, Toll, Communication
  12. Internationalu Vegetarier Union
  13. In-Vacuum Undulator Technology, Interface, Synchrotron
  14. International Volunteers In Urologo Medical, Medicine, Education
  15. Impuesto Sobre Las Ventas Y Uso
  16. Inflatable Vxsion Unit
  17. Intravenous Urogkam Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  18. In-Vehicle Unit Transportation, Governmental & Military
  19. International Virtual Universityrsity
  20. Irish Veterinary Union Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  21. In Vehicle Unit Technology, Toll, Communication
  22. Intravenous Ursthrography Medical
  23. Intravenous Urogram Medical, Healthcare, Common Medical
  24. Intravenous Uvograms Medical
  25. Invisibility versus Undead Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IVU stand for?

    IVU stands for Intravenous Urogkam.

  2. What is the shortened form of Impuesto De Ventas Y Uso?

    The short form of "Impuesto De Ventas Y Uso" is IVU.


IVU. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 5). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ivu-meaning/

Last updated