IVV Meaning
The IVV meaning is "Immobilien, Vermittlung, Verwaltung". The IVV abbreviation has 28 different full form.
IVV Full Forms
- Immobilien, Vermittlung, Verwaltung
- Internationaler Volkssport Verband Sport, Club, Walk
- Independent Validation & Verification
- Ilper Voetbal Vereniging
- Interactive Video Vignette
- Idle Vacuum Valve Technology, Ford, Engine
- Institut Voor Volksvoeding
- Independent Verification and Validation Business, Government, Army, Software, Marine, Soldiery, Medical, Science, Computing, Special Education, Telecom, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International Development, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration
- In Vino Veritas Exercise, Glass, Wine, Vino
- Institut Viti-Vinicole
- Independent Verification & Validation Technology, Service, Software, Computer, Electronics
- Independent Verification Validation Technology, Service, Software
- Instituto Valeria Vaz
- Independent Validation Verification
- Instituto Da Vinha E Do Vinho Business, Portugal, Wine, Portuguese
- Independent Validation and Verification Technology, Planning, Projection, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Ishares S and P 500 Index Fund Technology, Organizations
- In Velo Veritas Club, Cycling, Velo, Teaser
- Integration, Verification & Validation
- Intravenous Vasopressin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Instantaneous Vertical Velocity Is the velocity at a certain instant of time. Aviation
- Interruption Volontaire De Vieillesse Suicide, Pas, Mort, Interruption
- iShares S&P 500 (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- International Vision Volunteers
- Institutetut FüR Veterinär-Virologie
- Internationale Vereinigung Der Vermessungsingenieure
- íNdice De Velocidade De Vendas
- International Volkssport Verband Sport, Club, Locations, Japan
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IVV stand for?
IVV stands for Independent Verification & Validation.
What is the shortened form of Instituto Da Vinha E Do Vinho?
The short form of "Instituto Da Vinha E Do Vinho" is IVV.
IVV. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 2). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ivv-meaning/
Last updated