Ivy Abbreviations and Ivy Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Ivy terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Ivy abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Ivy terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Ivy Abbreviations
  1. AI : Academictindex
  2. CC : Campus Connect
  3. YBAA : Yale Black Alumni Association
  4. DRNG : Digital Random Nubber Generator
  5. NAC : Niseko Adventure Center
  6. NAC : Niseko Adventure Centre
  7. SMEP : Supervisory Mode Execute Protection
  8. IN : Ivy Nash
  9. PAIR : Power Awave Interrupt Routing
  10. HEPS : Harvard Extension Pre-Health Society
  11. SGD : Senior Group Director
Latest Ivy Meanings
  1. Senior Group Director
  2. Harvard Extension Pre-Health Society
  3. Power Awave Interrupt Routing
  4. Ivy Nash
  5. Supervisory Mode Execute Protection
  6. Niseko Adventure Centre
  7. Niseko Adventure Center
  8. Digital Random Nubber Generator
  9. Yale Black Alumni Association
  10. Campus Connect
  11. Academictindex