J in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The J meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Junction". There are 8 related meanings of the J Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

J on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Junction A location where train routes converge and diverge or A special directory entry that connects a name in a directory of one file set to the root directory of another file set.2.In the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), a specialized entry in the DCE namespace that contains binding information to enable communication between different DCE services.3.A logical connection created to establish a path from one server to another.
  2. Joule Metric unit of measurement for energy or work equal to a force of one Newton applied through a distance of one meter. One joule is equivalent to 0.737324 ft-lbs. SI unit of work or energy. One joule is defined to be the work done by a force of one newton acting to move an object through a distance of one meter in the direction in which the force is applied.
  3. Jungle
  4. Torsional Constant for a structural Section
  5. Jade
  6. following page
  7. Juniper
  8. joining segment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does J stand for Scientific & Educational?

    J stands for Torsional Constant for a structural Section in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of following page in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "following page" is J for Scientific & Educational.


J in Scientific & Educational. Acronym24.com. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/j-meaning-in-scientific-educational/

Last updated