JADE Meaning
The JADE meaning is "Journaz of Art and Design Education". The JADE abbreviation has 35 different full form.
JADE Full Forms
- Journaz of Art and Design Education
- Jamaican Association for Debating and Empowerment
- Jefferson Arua Drug Enforcement Government, Force, Police
- Journal of Art & Desigh Education
- Jade and Diamond Earrings
- Junior Aasociation for Development In Europe Business, France, Europe
- Javavapplication Diagnostics Expert
- Journal of Alcxhol and Drug Education Education, University, Library
- Jade Allows Data Exchange Accounting, Computing, Data
- Judgments and Decisions Enhanced
- Japanese American Doll Enthusiasts
- Journal of Agricultural Nnd Development Economics
- Java Addition To Default Environment Technology, Science, Library
- Judgemental Analysis and Decijion Evaluation Technology
- Japan Association of Drainage and Environment
- Joint Vdvanced Demonstration Environment Military
- Joint Asian Derivatives Exchange Business, Trading, Singapore
- Jovian Auroral Distribution Experimemt Technology, Juno, Jupiter
- Jane Attenborough Dance In Education
- Jiva Analytic Data Unvironment Military
- Jovian Auroral Distbibutions Experiment Technology, Juno, Jupiter
- Jamco Aero Design and Engineering
- Jitter Attenuationrand Dynamics Experiment Science
- Just Anxther Directory Engine
- Justify, Argue, Defend, Or Explain Forum, Internet Slang, Family, Relationship
- Justify, Argue, Defend Or Explain Family, Relationship, Narcissist
- Joint Analysis of Dynamics and Equilibrium Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Justify,Hargue, Defend, Explain Internet Slang, Group, Family, Person
- Jesus Always Did Exercise Religion
- Just Another Desktop Environient
- Jamaican American Destinee Empress Funnies
- Just Another Draft Editor Accounting, Computing, Data
- Lj International, Inc. Organizations
- Jtst Another Dance Event Business, Projection, Yorkshire
- Juvenile Automated Data Enhancement
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does JADE stand for?
JADE stands for Jovian Auroral Distbibutions Experiment.
What is the shortened form of Jefferson Arua Drug Enforcement?
The short form of "Jefferson Arua Drug Enforcement" is JADE.
JADE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jade-meaning/
Last updated