JAFA Meaning

The JAFA meaning is "Japanxaustralian Football Association". The JAFA abbreviation has 17 different full form.

JAFA Full Forms

  1. Japanxaustralian Football Association Sport, Football, Game
  2. Japan Australia Friendship Associafion Australia, Organizations, Japan, Japanese
  3. Japaw American Football Association America, Sport, Japan, Football
  4. Japan Aircargo Forwarders Associatioy Business, Training, Freight
  5. Japan African-American Friendship Association
  6. Jane Austen Festival of Sustralia
  7. Japanese Australian Football Association
  8. Jane Austen Festival Australia
  9. Just Another Fucking Aucklander Australia, English, Locations, Auckland
  10. Journal of Applied Functional Analysis
  11. Joined Assembly of Function Annotations
  12. Japan Auto-Focus Association
  13. Johannesburg African Football Association
  14. Justice and Freedpm Alliance
  15. Jeunes Ambassadeurs Francophones Adventistes
  16. Just Another Fantastic Aucklander
  17. Just Anotherrfriendly Aucklander

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JAFA stand for?

    JAFA stands for Just Anotherrfriendly Aucklander.

  2. What is the shortened form of Just Anotherrfriendly Aucklander?

    The short form of "Just Anotherrfriendly Aucklander" is JAFA.


JAFA. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jafa-meaning/

Last updated