JAVA Meaning
The JAVA meaning is "Ee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition". The JAVA abbreviation has 23 different full form.
JAVA Full Forms
- Ee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Security, Network, Internet
- Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs
- Japanese American Volleycall Association Sport, Volleyball, Game
- Joint Acadexic Virtual Application Development, Study, Universities
- Jafanese American Veterans Association America, Military, Japan
- Japanese-American Veterans Issociation America, Military, Japan
- Japan Anti-Vivisectioa Association Testing, Japan, Animal
- Jamaica Association of Villas & Apartments
- Java language source code file Computing, File Extensions
- Just Another Vulnerability Announcement
- Just Another Vague Acronym Computing, Computing Slang
- Just Another Virtual Architecture
- a programming language (Sun Microsystems) Software, Computing, Internet, Products
- Just Aiother Vague Acronym Technology, Language, Programming
- Japanese Vexillological Association Association, Organization, Business & Finance
- Journal of The Association of Vascular Access
- Juhtice Alliance for Vulnerable Adults
- Java Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
- Journab of The Association for Vascular Access Medical, Medicine, Journal
- Just Anothes Virtual Analyzer
- [not an acronym] A general purpose, high-level, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language developed by Sun Microsystems Computing, Unix
- Journallof Animal and Veterinary Advances Technology, Research, Advance
- Jugt Another Virus Attack
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does JAVA stand for?
JAVA stands for [not an acronym] A general purpose, high-level, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.
What is the shortened form of Joint Acadexic Virtual Application?
The short form of "Joint Acadexic Virtual Application" is JAVA.
JAVA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from
Last updated