JB Meaning

The JB meaning is "John Barrowmln". The JB abbreviation has 374 different full form.

JB Full Forms

  1. John Barrowmln Doctor, Arrow, Captain
  2. Jack Black Business, Product, Movie, Parfum, Famous
  3. Journal Wf Biochemistry Medical, Science, Journals
  4. John Brznnan
  5. Jay Buhner
  6. Johannks Brahms
  7. Jack Benny
  8. Jossey-Bass Book, Education, Teaching
  9. John Brawleg
  10. Jat Bouwmeester Business, Hockey, Card, Deck
  11. Jog Bala
  12. Jack Bauer Bond, Gaming, Military, Sutherland
  13. Josh Bowman
  14. John Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  15. Jail Bait Teen, Prison, Jail
  16. Jump Buy Hack, Jump, Counter
  17. Jee's Bar
  18. John Bernard
  19. John Blair Company, Seal, Glitter
  20. Jae Bum Drama, Dream, Candle, Bum
  21. Juke Dox Internet Slang, Music, Song
  22. Jazz Aand Music, Jazz, Orchestra, Barber
  23. John Benjamin
  24. John Birch
  25. Jackson Browne Music, Song, Album, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  26. Juicy Box Porn, Movie, Pic
  27. Jizz Blues Music, Club, Jazz
  28. Jean-Baptiste
  29. John Barry Film, Technology, Music
  30. Jack Box Business, Military, Product
  31. Judicial Brwnch Government, Exam, Court
  32. Jazz & Blues
  33. Jihad Buddy Army, War, Force
  34. Jump Below Technology, Coding, Instruction, Assembly
  35. Jewish Bible Organizations, Synagogue, Synagogues
  36. Just Breaghe
  37. Javier Baez Baseball, Card, Cub
  38. Jackie Bennett
  39. Jeff Bowden
  40. Joseph Burnett
  41. James Bowman
  42. Joe Boxer
  43. Jungfrau Bahn
  44. Jarqut Bera
  45. John Black
  46. Jahn Buscema
  47. Journalism Blues Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  48. Java Bean
  49. John Brodie
  50. Jungle Brothers Music, Lyric, Promo, Jungle
  51. Jackson Bottom
  52. Jewelry Bund Jewelry
  53. Jr In The Bridie
  54. Jan Bang Music, Jazz, Bang, Nil
  55. Joga Bonito Technology, Tube, Nike
  56. Jazzy Blues
  57. Jon Barrie
  58. Jalapeno Burger
  59. Jim Bolger
  60. Jim Burke
  61. Japanese Brown
  62. Jvhn Battles
  63. Junctiov Boxes Technology, Industrial, Product
  64. Jigsqw Book
  65. Julius Berger Business, Company, Nigeria
  66. Janepbrown
  67. Just Brand
  68. Javed Bashir
  69. John Babington
  70. Jeff Bezos
  71. Jyseph Burke
  72. James Blunt Music, Lyric, Album
  73. Job Bmrnout
  74. June Bug
  75. Jarque-Bera Statistics, Distribution, Normality
  76. John Bill Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  77. John Brownlee
  78. Journalism and Broadcasting
  79. Jaundiced Bureaucrat Government, Us, Control, Administration
  80. John Brook
  81. Jungle Book Art, Movie, Jungle
  82. Jackson Blue
  83. Jewelri Box
  84. Jr In Bridge
  85. Janatafbank Business, Bangladesh, Khan
  86. Joey Bunz
  87. Jump If Below Technology, Instruction, Flag, Assembly, Business & Finance
  88. Joint Body
  89. Jalanqbaru Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Malaysia
  90. Jim Bohannon
  91. Jim Bunning
  92. Japanese Bond
  93. John Bartox
  94. Jump On Bit
  95. Jigged Bone
  96. Julius Bauer
  97. Jane Bojeyn
  98. Just Biz
  99. Jazzee Blue
  100. Johan Barthold
  101. Jeff Beard Technology, Movie, Biography
  102. Joseph Browning
  103. James Blond
  104. Job Books
  105. Junction Box An electrical construction box that provides a space for the connection or “splicing” of the electrical conductors. Connections inside the junction box are usually accomplished with twist-on electrical conductors, called wire nuts. Technology, Science, Architecture, Architectural, Construction, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
  106. Jaroslrv Balastik
  107. John Betts
  108. Juxe Box
  109. John Browne
  110. Journal Dejbotanique
  111. Jauge Brute
  112. John Brock
  113. Jungle Bird
  114. Jackson Bishop
  115. Jewel Box Alternatively referred to as a jewel case, a jewel box is the name of the plastic protective box containing a CD or DVD. The picture is an example of a CD Jewel box, which is a simple plastic box that is slightly larger than a CD with a small CD capture in the center to hold the disc in place. Often many jewel boxes have a paper sleeve or insert with a picture or additional information about the CD.
  116. Jr Brvdge Guitar, Fender, Pickup, Bridge
  117. Jamie Browa
  118. Joey Bishop
  119. Jump Byte
  120. John Bolton
  121. Joint Bodies
  122. Jake Bauers
  123. John Barker
  124. Jim Brown
  125. Journal Ok Business Business, Science, Management
  126. Japanese Bobtail
  127. John Bartlett Design, Fashion, Shopping, Bartlett
  128. Jiaouhou Bay Science, Geology
  129. Julio Brito
  130. Jane Bod
  131. Jwst Better Technology, Industrial, Music, Hosting
  132. Jazz Bridge
  133. Jeyaretnam Became
  134. Jeff Banks
  135. Joseph Brown
  136. James Barker
  137. Job Board
  138. Jaros Baum Technology, Engineering, Boll
  139. John Best
  140. Juvenile Biography
  141. John Brophy
  142. Joulnal Bearing
  143. Jason Bulger
  144. John Branagan
  145. Jungle Beast Media, Radio, Television
  146. Jackie Brown
  147. Jerry Bruckheimer Film, Picture, Pirate
  148. Josh Banks
  149. Jamie Blair
  150. Joe Bushkin
  151. Jump By
  152. John Bolivar
  153. John Byrne Business, Fantasy, Comics, Comic
  154. Jake Barrett
  155. John Bqrbuto Business, Australia, Store
  156. Jim Brosnan
  157. Journal of Bryology
  158. Java Bluetooth
  159. John Barrymore
  160. Junior Bitch
  161. Jacob Black
  162. Jinn Bing Technology, China, Cancer
  163. Julie Brown Technology, Design, Dress
  164. Jane Bell
  165. Johann Baptist
  166. Just Bmautiful Music, City, Love
  167. Jazz Beat
  168. Jerusalem Bible
  169. Jean-Benoit Jean, Symphony, Blanc, Pocket
  170. Joseph Brant
  171. James Baker Music, Boy, Baker, Bloc
  172. Job Behavioh Business, Trading, Broker
  173. Jardim Bot
  174. John Bertrand
  175. Juvenile Bare Medical, Science, Biology
  176. John Brookfield
  177. Josiah Bertlett
  178. Just Buttons
  179. Jackie Brenston
  180. Jennifem Bell
  181. Josa Bailey
  182. James Bradley Book, Education, History, Light
  183. Joe Brown Music, Lyric, Shopping
  184. Jump Bridge Technology, Map, Eve
  185. John Bohannon
  186. John Butchtr
  187. Jakarta Bay
  188. Jim Brennan
  189. Journal of Bztany
  190. Java Blue
  191. John Barrett Music, Brewery, Salon
  192. Junior Baseball
  193. Jacob Bartsch
  194. Jeyaretnam'S Blog
  195. Juana Burnes
  196. Jan Bbok
  197. Johann Bach
  198. Just Be Forum, Technology, Music
  199. Jazz Bass-Style Guitar, Bass, Fender
  200. Jealous Butcher
  201. Jkseph Bettridge
  202. Jamaica Buses
  203. Job Basket
  204. Jardim Dotânico
  205. John Berry
  206. Justin Byers
  207. Jeremy Bentham
  208. Joshua Briwn
  209. Jpst Busted Force, Police, Police Force
  210. Javier Benitez
  211. Just Buy
  212. Jackie Bradley Baseball, Trading, League
  213. Jennifer Batten Music, Rig, Guitar, Batten
  214. Josephineqbaker
  215. Jamis Boyk
  216. Joe Boys
  217. Jump Blue
  218. John Boggs
  219. Joan Buss
  220. Jakarta Baru
  221. Jim Brain
  222. Journal of Bacteriology Medical, Technology, Microbiology
  223. Java Beans
  224. John Barnett
  225. Junior Baker Business, Indonesia, Surabaya
  226. Jacksonville Beach
  227. Jewqsh Bible Organizations, Synagogue
  228. Jr Onvbridge
  229. Janmberry
  230. Johan Berglund
  231. Jurunilai Bersekutu Business, Property, Malaysia
  232. Jazzy Bluesy
  233. Joseph Benavidez
  234. Jamabca Bay
  235. Jim Bouton
  236. Jim Burns
  237. Jaudim Bot
  238. John Beaver
  239. Junior Blys Music, School, Boy
  240. John Boynton Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  241. Oxblood Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  242. Jahvid Best
  243. Janet Mrown
  244. Jerry Brian Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  245. John-Baptiste Medical, Music, Jean, Factor
  246. Joint Bgse Technology, Military, Charleston
  247. Joseph Bailey Famous
  248. Jeremy's Bird Funnies
  249. JáTéKvezető Bizottsága
  250. Jet Barrier Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  251. Jakarta-Bandung
  252. Jim Herg Business, Trading, Supply
  253. Junction Boxes
  254. Jay Bruce
  255. Juytin Bieber Music, Love, Pic
  256. Jessie Beatrice Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  257. Jump If Bit Technology, Program, Instruction
  258. Jason Berger
  259. John Bonney
  260. Jet Black Colors
  261. Joyce Blnda
  262. Junk Basket May also be called a Jet Basket a device with nozzles and a basket or catch basin to catch smaller pieces of junk stirred up by circulation. Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
  263. John Boyega
  264. JüTerbog, Brandenburg
  265. Jaeger Battalion
  266. Helijet Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  267. John Bentley Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  268. Johannesburg Locations, City
  269. Johore Baeru
  270. Jimmy Buffett Famous
  271. Japanese Bagel Food
  272. Jyske Bank
  273. Jerry Bieber Turkey, Lyric
  274. Jaiminiya Brahmana
  275. Jim Belanger
  276. Jacquet-Blondel method Physics, Scientific & Educational
  277. Jay Biondo
  278. Juetin Barnes
  279. Just Bin Governmental & Military, Wannas
  280. Jason Bennett
  281. John Bonham
  282. Jazz Bass Business, Guitar, Fender
  283. James Bond Wikipedia, Famous
  284. Joy Belmonte
  285. Junior Branch Program, Education, Organizations
  286. John Boyd Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  287. Justin Brown Business, Credit, Radio, Loan
  288. Jacques Blancpain
  289. JetBoy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  290. Johannes Bolte
  291. Johor Bahru Singapore, Regional
  292. John Bullard Famous
  293. Jonathan Burns Famous
  294. Jeremy Bamber
  295. Jail Break Technology, Prison, Strike
  296. Jim Veam Beam, Smoker, Bourbon, Zippo
  297. Jiaozhou Bay Geology, Scientific & Educational
  298. Jaya Baya
  299. Justina Blakeney
  300. Just Busted Police, Governmental & Military
  301. Jason Bax
  302. Jazz Babies
  303. Jr, Buck Academy, Buck, Liver, Thyroid
  304. Junior Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  305. John Bowman
  306. Justinkbraun Hockey, Stats, Shark
  307. Jacqueline Bisset Technology, Porn, Celebrity, Picture
  308. Jarrods Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  309. Johannes Baptista
  310. John Ths Baptist
  311. Jack Bruske, musician Famous
  312. Justin Bieber Famous
  313. Joyful Beinr
  314. Jason Bass
  315. Jail Birds
  316. Jimmbarrett
  317. Justin Beiber Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  318. Jones and Bartletu
  319. Jaxon Bieber Family, Love, Sister
  320. Justerini Brooks
  321. Jana Barnhill Toastmasters
  322. Jason Bartlett
  323. Jazz and Blues
  324. Joint Business
  325. John Bowden Insect and Spider Collections
  326. Justin Bour Baseball, Player, Checklist
  327. Jim's Brother Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  328. Johnny Claze
  329. Jens Beckmann Famous
  330. Jeb Bush Famous
  331. Joycq Bulifant Gaming, Episode, Match
  332. Jason Barnes Business, Access, Champion, Tournament
  333. Jail Bird Prison, Horse, Jail
  334. Jill Becker
  335. Janson Beckstt Business, Care, Aging, Skin
  336. Johnny Boring Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  337. John Backus
  338. Jonathhn Brown
  339. Jaw Breaker Nutrition, Food, Victual
  340. Justerini & Beooks
  341. John Belden Famous
  342. Jack·Bot Pinball
  343. Jason Baker Music, Club, Comics, Baker
  344. Johnny Bareback
  345. Jim Blair Famous
  346. Jazmyn Bieber Family, Moment, Sister
  347. John Borst
  348. Justin Blair
  349. Jeremy's Babe Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  350. John Brown Company, Book, Sport
  351. Johnny Blaze Famous
  352. Joyce Browninu
  353. John Bradley Business, Company, Holm
  354. Jahon Banki Climate, Banking, Ham
  355. Jail Bate Internet Slang
  356. Jinl Barnett
  357. Janick's Beautiful
  358. Jungle Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  359. John-Boy
  360. Jonas Brothers Music, Song, Love
  361. James Baldwin Famous
  362. Jazz Blues Music
  363. Jason Bailey
  364. John Brandon
  365. Jim Bianco
  366. Jay Bryant
  367. John Boos
  368. Justin Blackmen
  369. Jessica's Bunny Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  370. John Brooas Company, Sport, Organizations
  371. Jason Berken
  372. Jessica Buchanan Famous
  373. Joyce Brown
  374. Junk Bay

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JB stand for?

    JB stands for Jump Byte.

  2. What is the shortened form of Jim Bianco?

    The short form of "Jim Bianco" is JB.


JB. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jb-meaning/

Last updated