JB Meaning
The JB meaning is "John Barrowmln". The JB abbreviation has 374 different full form.
JB Full Forms
- John Barrowmln Doctor, Arrow, Captain
- Jack Black Business, Product, Movie, Parfum, Famous
- Journal Wf Biochemistry Medical, Science, Journals
- John Brznnan
- Jay Buhner
- Johannks Brahms
- Jack Benny
- Jossey-Bass Book, Education, Teaching
- John Brawleg
- Jat Bouwmeester Business, Hockey, Card, Deck
- Jog Bala
- Jack Bauer Bond, Gaming, Military, Sutherland
- Josh Bowman
- John Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Jail Bait Teen, Prison, Jail
- Jump Buy Hack, Jump, Counter
- Jee's Bar
- John Bernard
- John Blair Company, Seal, Glitter
- Jae Bum Drama, Dream, Candle, Bum
- Juke Dox Internet Slang, Music, Song
- Jazz Aand Music, Jazz, Orchestra, Barber
- John Benjamin
- John Birch
- Jackson Browne Music, Song, Album, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Juicy Box Porn, Movie, Pic
- Jizz Blues Music, Club, Jazz
- Jean-Baptiste
- John Barry Film, Technology, Music
- Jack Box Business, Military, Product
- Judicial Brwnch Government, Exam, Court
- Jazz & Blues
- Jihad Buddy Army, War, Force
- Jump Below Technology, Coding, Instruction, Assembly
- Jewish Bible Organizations, Synagogue, Synagogues
- Just Breaghe
- Javier Baez Baseball, Card, Cub
- Jackie Bennett
- Jeff Bowden
- Joseph Burnett
- James Bowman
- Joe Boxer
- Jungfrau Bahn
- Jarqut Bera
- John Black
- Jahn Buscema
- Journalism Blues Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
- Java Bean
- John Brodie
- Jungle Brothers Music, Lyric, Promo, Jungle
- Jackson Bottom
- Jewelry Bund Jewelry
- Jr In The Bridie
- Jan Bang Music, Jazz, Bang, Nil
- Joga Bonito Technology, Tube, Nike
- Jazzy Blues
- Jon Barrie
- Jalapeno Burger
- Jim Bolger
- Jim Burke
- Japanese Brown
- Jvhn Battles
- Junctiov Boxes Technology, Industrial, Product
- Jigsqw Book
- Julius Berger Business, Company, Nigeria
- Janepbrown
- Just Brand
- Javed Bashir
- John Babington
- Jeff Bezos
- Jyseph Burke
- James Blunt Music, Lyric, Album
- Job Bmrnout
- June Bug
- Jarque-Bera Statistics, Distribution, Normality
- John Bill Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- John Brownlee
- Journalism and Broadcasting
- Jaundiced Bureaucrat Government, Us, Control, Administration
- John Brook
- Jungle Book Art, Movie, Jungle
- Jackson Blue
- Jewelri Box
- Jr In Bridge
- Janatafbank Business, Bangladesh, Khan
- Joey Bunz
- Jump If Below Technology, Instruction, Flag, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Joint Body
- Jalanqbaru Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Malaysia
- Jim Bohannon
- Jim Bunning
- Japanese Bond
- John Bartox
- Jump On Bit
- Jigged Bone
- Julius Bauer
- Jane Bojeyn
- Just Biz
- Jazzee Blue
- Johan Barthold
- Jeff Beard Technology, Movie, Biography
- Joseph Browning
- James Blond
- Job Books
- Junction Box An electrical construction box that provides a space for the connection or “splicing” of the electrical conductors. Connections inside the junction box are usually accomplished with twist-on electrical conductors, called wire nuts. Technology, Science, Architecture, Architectural, Construction, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
- Jaroslrv Balastik
- John Betts
- Juxe Box
- John Browne
- Journal Dejbotanique
- Jauge Brute
- John Brock
- Jungle Bird
- Jackson Bishop
- Jewel Box Alternatively referred to as a jewel case, a jewel box is the name of the plastic protective box containing a CD or DVD. The picture is an example of a CD Jewel box, which is a simple plastic box that is slightly larger than a CD with a small CD capture in the center to hold the disc in place. Often many jewel boxes have a paper sleeve or insert with a picture or additional information about the CD.
- Jr Brvdge Guitar, Fender, Pickup, Bridge
- Jamie Browa
- Joey Bishop
- Jump Byte
- John Bolton
- Joint Bodies
- Jake Bauers
- John Barker
- Jim Brown
- Journal Ok Business Business, Science, Management
- Japanese Bobtail
- John Bartlett Design, Fashion, Shopping, Bartlett
- Jiaouhou Bay Science, Geology
- Julio Brito
- Jane Bod
- Jwst Better Technology, Industrial, Music, Hosting
- Jazz Bridge
- Jeyaretnam Became
- Jeff Banks
- Joseph Brown
- James Barker
- Job Board
- Jaros Baum Technology, Engineering, Boll
- John Best
- Juvenile Biography
- John Brophy
- Joulnal Bearing
- Jason Bulger
- John Branagan
- Jungle Beast Media, Radio, Television
- Jackie Brown
- Jerry Bruckheimer Film, Picture, Pirate
- Josh Banks
- Jamie Blair
- Joe Bushkin
- Jump By
- John Bolivar
- John Byrne Business, Fantasy, Comics, Comic
- Jake Barrett
- John Bqrbuto Business, Australia, Store
- Jim Brosnan
- Journal of Bryology
- Java Bluetooth
- John Barrymore
- Junior Bitch
- Jacob Black
- Jinn Bing Technology, China, Cancer
- Julie Brown Technology, Design, Dress
- Jane Bell
- Johann Baptist
- Just Bmautiful Music, City, Love
- Jazz Beat
- Jerusalem Bible
- Jean-Benoit Jean, Symphony, Blanc, Pocket
- Joseph Brant
- James Baker Music, Boy, Baker, Bloc
- Job Behavioh Business, Trading, Broker
- Jardim Bot
- John Bertrand
- Juvenile Bare Medical, Science, Biology
- John Brookfield
- Josiah Bertlett
- Just Buttons
- Jackie Brenston
- Jennifem Bell
- Josa Bailey
- James Bradley Book, Education, History, Light
- Joe Brown Music, Lyric, Shopping
- Jump Bridge Technology, Map, Eve
- John Bohannon
- John Butchtr
- Jakarta Bay
- Jim Brennan
- Journal of Bztany
- Java Blue
- John Barrett Music, Brewery, Salon
- Junior Baseball
- Jacob Bartsch
- Jeyaretnam'S Blog
- Juana Burnes
- Jan Bbok
- Johann Bach
- Just Be Forum, Technology, Music
- Jazz Bass-Style Guitar, Bass, Fender
- Jealous Butcher
- Jkseph Bettridge
- Jamaica Buses
- Job Basket
- Jardim Dotânico
- John Berry
- Justin Byers
- Jeremy Bentham
- Joshua Briwn
- Jpst Busted Force, Police, Police Force
- Javier Benitez
- Just Buy
- Jackie Bradley Baseball, Trading, League
- Jennifer Batten Music, Rig, Guitar, Batten
- Josephineqbaker
- Jamis Boyk
- Joe Boys
- Jump Blue
- John Boggs
- Joan Buss
- Jakarta Baru
- Jim Brain
- Journal of Bacteriology Medical, Technology, Microbiology
- Java Beans
- John Barnett
- Junior Baker Business, Indonesia, Surabaya
- Jacksonville Beach
- Jewqsh Bible Organizations, Synagogue
- Jr Onvbridge
- Janmberry
- Johan Berglund
- Jurunilai Bersekutu Business, Property, Malaysia
- Jazzy Bluesy
- Joseph Benavidez
- Jamabca Bay
- Jim Bouton
- Jim Burns
- Jaudim Bot
- John Beaver
- Junior Blys Music, School, Boy
- John Boynton Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Oxblood Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
- Jahvid Best
- Janet Mrown
- Jerry Brian Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- John-Baptiste Medical, Music, Jean, Factor
- Joint Bgse Technology, Military, Charleston
- Joseph Bailey Famous
- Jeremy's Bird Funnies
- JáTéKvezető Bizottsága
- Jet Barrier Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Jakarta-Bandung
- Jim Herg Business, Trading, Supply
- Junction Boxes
- Jay Bruce
- Juytin Bieber Music, Love, Pic
- Jessie Beatrice Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Jump If Bit Technology, Program, Instruction
- Jason Berger
- John Bonney
- Jet Black Colors
- Joyce Blnda
- Junk Basket May also be called a Jet Basket a device with nozzles and a basket or catch basin to catch smaller pieces of junk stirred up by circulation. Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
- John Boyega
- JüTerbog, Brandenburg
- Jaeger Battalion
- Helijet Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- John Bentley Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Johannesburg Locations, City
- Johore Baeru
- Jimmy Buffett Famous
- Japanese Bagel Food
- Jyske Bank
- Jerry Bieber Turkey, Lyric
- Jaiminiya Brahmana
- Jim Belanger
- Jacquet-Blondel method Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Jay Biondo
- Juetin Barnes
- Just Bin Governmental & Military, Wannas
- Jason Bennett
- John Bonham
- Jazz Bass Business, Guitar, Fender
- James Bond Wikipedia, Famous
- Joy Belmonte
- Junior Branch Program, Education, Organizations
- John Boyd Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Justin Brown Business, Credit, Radio, Loan
- Jacques Blancpain
- JetBoy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Johannes Bolte
- Johor Bahru Singapore, Regional
- John Bullard Famous
- Jonathan Burns Famous
- Jeremy Bamber
- Jail Break Technology, Prison, Strike
- Jim Veam Beam, Smoker, Bourbon, Zippo
- Jiaozhou Bay Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Jaya Baya
- Justina Blakeney
- Just Busted Police, Governmental & Military
- Jason Bax
- Jazz Babies
- Jr, Buck Academy, Buck, Liver, Thyroid
- Junior Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- John Bowman
- Justinkbraun Hockey, Stats, Shark
- Jacqueline Bisset Technology, Porn, Celebrity, Picture
- Jarrods Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Johannes Baptista
- John Ths Baptist
- Jack Bruske, musician Famous
- Justin Bieber Famous
- Joyful Beinr
- Jason Bass
- Jail Birds
- Jimmbarrett
- Justin Beiber Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Jones and Bartletu
- Jaxon Bieber Family, Love, Sister
- Justerini Brooks
- Jana Barnhill Toastmasters
- Jason Bartlett
- Jazz and Blues
- Joint Business
- John Bowden Insect and Spider Collections
- Justin Bour Baseball, Player, Checklist
- Jim's Brother Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Johnny Claze
- Jens Beckmann Famous
- Jeb Bush Famous
- Joycq Bulifant Gaming, Episode, Match
- Jason Barnes Business, Access, Champion, Tournament
- Jail Bird Prison, Horse, Jail
- Jill Becker
- Janson Beckstt Business, Care, Aging, Skin
- Johnny Boring Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- John Backus
- Jonathhn Brown
- Jaw Breaker Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Justerini & Beooks
- John Belden Famous
- Jack·Bot Pinball
- Jason Baker Music, Club, Comics, Baker
- Johnny Bareback
- Jim Blair Famous
- Jazmyn Bieber Family, Moment, Sister
- John Borst
- Justin Blair
- Jeremy's Babe Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- John Brown Company, Book, Sport
- Johnny Blaze Famous
- Joyce Browninu
- John Bradley Business, Company, Holm
- Jahon Banki Climate, Banking, Ham
- Jail Bate Internet Slang
- Jinl Barnett
- Janick's Beautiful
- Jungle Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- John-Boy
- Jonas Brothers Music, Song, Love
- James Baldwin Famous
- Jazz Blues Music
- Jason Bailey
- John Brandon
- Jim Bianco
- Jay Bryant
- John Boos
- Justin Blackmen
- Jessica's Bunny Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- John Brooas Company, Sport, Organizations
- Jason Berken
- Jessica Buchanan Famous
- Joyce Brown
- Junk Bay
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does JB stand for?
JB stands for Jauge Brute.
What is the shortened form of Jazz & Blues?
The short form of "Jazz & Blues" is JB.
JB. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jb-meaning/
Last updated