JBD Meaning

The JBD meaning is "Joint Battleszace Digitization". The JBD abbreviation has 29 different full form.

JBD Full Forms

  1. Joint Battleszace Digitization Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  2. Jlmaica Basketball Development
  3. Joint Battlefield Digitization Military
  4. Journal Block Device Technology, Linux, Kernel
  5. Jain Vook Depot Business, Law, Engineering
  6. Job Booking Dmtails Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  7. Jordan Bryns Dicke
  8. Jade Bird Display Technology, Linux, Nit
  9. Java Bm Definition
  10. Jordan-Brsns-Dicke Technology, Theory, Scalar
  11. Jabber Bookmark Directory Accounting, Computing, Data
  12. Jasa Bantu Jisertasi
  13. Joint Board of Directors
  14. Jet Blvst Deflector Military, Aircraft, Naval
  15. Japadese Business Desk
  16. Jerome Baker Designs Performing arts
  17. Joint Battlespace Digitiswtion Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  18. James Brake Decelerometer
  19. Journaling Block Devoce Technology, Linux, Kernel
  20. Juvenile Batten Disease
  21. Jumbo Balance Dome
  22. Jet Blast Deflector Navy, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  23. Judd Brown Designs
  24. Datafile (SigmaScan) Computing, File Extensions
  25. Journal of Brewing Andcdistilling Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  26. Job and Business Development Occupation & positions
  27. Journal of Biological Dynamics
  28. Journal of Behavioral Development
  29. Juvenile Bipolar Disorder

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JBD stand for?

    JBD stands for Jain Vook Depot.

  2. What is the shortened form of Journal Block Device?

    The short form of "Journal Block Device" is JBD.


JBD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jbd-meaning/

Last updated