JBHS Meaning

The JBHS meaning is "Jensen Beach High School". The JBHS abbreviation has 18 different full form.

JBHS Full Forms

  1. Jensen Beach High School Education, School, Florida
  2. Jefferson Behavioral Healthlsystem
  3. James Eusby High School Education
  4. Jlmes Buchanan High School Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
  5. James Bowie Hkgh School Education, School, High School, Texas
  6. Jack Britt Eigh School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
  7. John Burroughs High School Education, School, High School, California
  8. James Bowie High School Texas
  9. John Burke High School
  10. Jo Byrns High School Tennessee
  11. John Bowne High Scrool Education, School, High School
  12. James Buchanan High School Pennsylvania
  13. Joel Bhrlow High School Education, School, Connecticut
  14. Jack Britt High School North Carolina
  15. Jj Byrns High School Education, School, High School, Tennessee
  16. Joel Barlow High School Connecticut
  17. Jesse Bethel High School
  18. Journal of Behavioral Health Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JBHS stand for?

    JBHS stands for John Burke High School.

  2. What is the shortened form of John Burroughs High School?

    The short form of "John Burroughs High School" is JBHS.


JBHS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jbhs-meaning/

Last updated