JBS Meaning

The JBS meaning is "Jewish Broadcasting Service". The JBS abbreviation has 66 different full form.

JBS Full Forms

  1. Jewish Broadcasting Service Jewish, Rabbi, Judaism
  2. Jaypee Business School Education, Admission, Noida
  3. John Blashford-Snell
  4. Junction Barrier-Controlled Schottky
  5. Journal of Behavioral Sciences
  6. Jaffe Book Solutions
  7. Jassar Business School
  8. Journal of Biological Systems Medical, Technology, Science
  9. John Birch Society America, Government, Group
  10. Jump and Blow Stack Assembly, Business & Finance
  11. Journal of Behavioural Sciences
  12. John Burdon Sanderson
  13. Johnson Behavioral System
  14. Jasamarga Balikpapan Samarinda
  15. Journal of Biological Science
  16. John Bennett Shaw
  17. Jumeira Baccalaureate School
  18. Journal of Bangladesh Studies
  19. Johan Bintang Sarawak Music, Lyric, Rock
  20. Johnson Bassin Shaw
  21. Journal of Biomedical Science Medical, Science, Medicine
  22. Japanese Biochemical Society Technology, Science, Japan
  23. Johanson Blizzard Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
  24. Judge Business School Education, Law, University
  25. Journal of Baltic Studies Education, University, Study
  26. Joint Broadcast Service Technology, Military, Army
  27. Johnson, Bassin & Shaw
  28. Journal of Biosocial Science Science, Research, Social
  29. Jakeman Business Solutions Business, Management, Security, Risk
  30. Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Genetics
  31. Jubilee Bus Stand
  32. Joint Broadcast System Military
  33. John Burroughs School Education, Sport, School, Missouri
  34. Journal of Biological Sciences
  35. Jakarta Broadcasting School Indonesia, Jakarta, Broadcasting
  36. Java Batch System
  37. Jubilee Bus Station
  38. John Bosco School
  39. Journal of Biblical Studies
  40. Jaffer Business Systems
  41. Jathika Bala Sena Government, Media, Conference, Colombo
  42. Journal of Business Strategy
  43. John The Baptist School Education
  44. Just Believe Sports
  45. Jordan Business Systems Company, Technology, Industrial
  46. Hacienda Bus.Park H/P, Pleasanton, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  47. Juru Bor Seismik Business, Company, Investment, Store
  48. Joomla Bug Squad Forum, Technology, Community
  49. Journal of British Studies Literature, History, Journal, Computing, Linguistics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  50. Juror Bias Scale
  51. Jones Business Systems
  52. Joel B. Snyder Famous
  53. Junior Basic School
  54. Joint British Societies Medical, Disease, Heart, Risk
  55. Journal of Biomedical Sciences
  56. Journal of Baha'I Studies
  57. June Buchanan School Education, School, High School, Kentucky
  58. Joint Base Station Military, Army, Intelligence
  59. Justice Building Services Military
  60. Journal Bearing Simulator
  61. Jamaica Bureau Of Standards
  62. Junction Barrier Schottky
  63. Johor Bahru Selatan
  64. Justice Brandeis Semester Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  65. Joseph Business School Technology, Entrepreneurship, Faith
  66. Journal of Biomolecular Screening Medical, Human genome

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JBS stand for?

    JBS stands for John Burdon Sanderson.

  2. What is the shortened form of Journal of Biomedical Sciences?

    The short form of "Journal of Biomedical Sciences" is JBS.


JBS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jbs-meaning/

Last updated