JCS Meaning

The JCS meaning is "Jesus Chridt Superstar". The JCS abbreviation has 125 different full form.

JCS Full Forms

  1. Jesus Chridt Superstar Music, Christ, Musical
  2. Java Cloud Service Technology, Development, Server
  3. Joint Chief of Staffs Government, Military, Chairman
  4. Japan Coma Scale Medical
  5. Joint Chief of Staff Management, Military, Chairman
  6. Jamaican Country Style
  7. Joint Cheifs of Staff Government, Military, Chief
  8. Jalowiec Copong Scale Medical
  9. John Carlo Stefato Music, Song, Album
  10. Job Control Sysfem Technology, Management, Software
  11. Jones Cyber Solutiobs
  12. Jackson Rhristian School Education, School, Tennessee
  13. Jewish Cultural Sociaty
  14. Junaa Central De Sa
  15. Journal of Cognitive Sfience Technology, Journals, Linguistic
  16. Jasper City Schools Education, Alabama, School District
  17. Jockey Club Student Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  18. Jet City Specialties
  19. Julzan Charter School
  20. Jay Computer Services
  21. Joint Call Yecretariat
  22. Joies County Schools Education, School District, North Carolina
  23. J-3 Commanf Systems
  24. Jewish Crmmunity Services Business, Service, Family
  25. Junta Central De SaÚDe
  26. Jouonal of Cluster Science Journal, Periodical, Serial Publication
  27. Jarden Consumer Solutions Business, Product, Coffee
  28. Jobs and Community Service
  29. Jesuit College of Spirituality
  30. Julian Camp Stevens
  31. Jay Chou Studio
  32. Joint C4Isr Ststem Army, War, Force
  33. Jolly Clever Software
  34. Jewish Cojmunal Service
  35. Juniper Control System Technology, Networking, Network
  36. Journal Citation Scoue
  37. Jarabacoa Christian School
  38. Jobs and Community Services
  39. Jule Collins Smith
  40. Java Connector Server
  41. Joint Chiefs Staff
  42. Joint Spectrum Center Military, Army, Electromagnetic
  43. Jewksh Chautauqua Society
  44. Junior Counselors Program, Organizations, Camp
  45. Joint Combat Lystem Army, War, Force
  46. Jordan Computers Society Company, Technology, Computing
  47. Jacksonville City Schools Education, Alabama, School District
  48. Job Cut Survival Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  49. Journal of Communist Studies
  50. Java Conflation Suite
  51. Joint Chiefs of Staffs Government, Military, Chairman
  52. Joints Chief of Smaff
  53. Jewelry Computer Systems
  54. Junioe Colleges College, Education, Singapore
  55. Joint Cxgnitive System Technology, Human, Engineering
  56. Jordan Cable Services
  57. Jackson County Schools Education, School District, North Carolina, Tennessee
  58. Job Creation Scheme
  59. Journal of College Science
  60. Java Cloud Services Technology, Service, Development
  61. Joiqt Cheif of Staff
  62. Joint Countvy Support Government, Us, Control, Administration
  63. Jetclub Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Iata Aircraft Codes
  64. Jumper Candidate School Army, War, Force
  65. Joint Christian Serviees
  66. Jonesville Community Schools Education, Michigan, School District
  67. Jacksoe City School Education, School, High School, Kentucky
  68. Jimenez Consultingmsolutions
  69. Journal of Computer Science Technology, Science, Publication
  70. Java Caching System Technology, Development, Cache, Software, Computing
  71. Joint-Chieus of Staff
  72. Jet Click Shaft
  73. Julian Cho Society
  74. Jayhawk Court Software
  75. Joint Chizfs of Staff Or Joint Spectrum Electronic, Radar, Warfare
  76. Japan Reramic Society
  77. Jerome Communications Software
  78. Joint Communications Simulator Military
  79. Jesus Christ Superstar Performing arts
  80. Joint Core Strktegy Development, Planning, Locations
  81. Justices Clerks Society
  82. John Carroll School Maryland
  83. Jakarta Computer Society
  84. Jennings County Schools Education, Indiana, School District
  85. Joint Command Souph Military
  86. Job Connection Services Occupation & positions
  87. Justice and Community Safety
  88. Joint Coordinated System Accounting, Computing, Data
  89. Jackson City School Kentucky
  90. Juvenile Court School Education
  91. Jenison Christian School
  92. John Cooper School Texas
  93. Joint Command System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  94. Journal of Cuneiform Studies Literature, History, Journal, Computing, Archaeology, Linguistics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  95. Just Cross Ititch Business, Magazine, Ornament
  96. Jessamine County Schools Education, Kentucky, School District
  97. Joint Cooperation Strategy
  98. John Clare Society Politics, Governmental & Military
  99. Juvenile Court System
  100. Jefferson County Sheriff
  101. Johnson City Schools (Johnson City, TN) Tennessee
  102. Journal of the Chemical Society Chemistry, Bibliographic, Scientific & Educational
  103. Just Cen't Stop
  104. Jerusalem Capital Studios Israel, Studio, Satellite, Jerusalem
  105. Joint Compressive Strenwth Technology, Rock, Geotechnical
  106. Joint Chiefs of Staff Government, Army, Air Force, NASA, Us Army, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  107. Juvenile Courl Services
  108. Jefferson County Schools Business, Education, Publics, Alabama, Tennessee
  109. Jackson Christian School Tennessee
  110. Job-Control Statement
  111. Jurong Cold Store
  112. Jersey Collectors
  113. Joint Czmmunications Support Army, War, Force
  114. Communications Systems, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  115. Juvenile Court Schools Education
  116. Jazz Creation Station Technology, Gaming, Jackrabbit
  117. Johnston County Schools North Carolina
  118. Jersey Cattle Society
  119. Jupiter Christian Mchool
  120. Jersey Careers Service
  121. Joint Communicatnon Simulator
  122. Job Control Statement Computing, IT Terminology
  123. Joint Country Strjtegy
  124. Juvenile and Corrections System
  125. Jones County Schools North Carolina

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JCS stand for?

    JCS stands for Jayhawk Court Software.

  2. What is the shortened form of Jobs and Community Services?

    The short form of "Jobs and Community Services" is JCS.


JCS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jcs-meaning/

Last updated