JCSU Meaning

The JCSU meaning is "Jesus College Student Union". The JCSU abbreviation has 5 different full form.

JCSU Full Forms

  1. Jesus College Student Union Education, University, Cockerel
  2. Johnson C. Smith University Education, Development, Universities
  3. Juvenile Court Services Unit
  4. Johnson C. Smith Universityrsity Education
  5. Joe Crowley Student Union

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JCSU stand for?

    JCSU stands for Joe Crowley Student Union.

  2. What is the shortened form of Joe Crowley Student Union?

    The short form of "Joe Crowley Student Union" is JCSU.


JCSU. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved June 15, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/jcsu-meaning/

Last updated