JCW Meaning

The JCW meaning is "Java-Callable Wrapper". The JCW abbreviation has 25 different full form.

JCW Full Forms

  1. Java-Callable Wrapper Technology, Program, Interface
  2. Jersey Championship Wrestling Gaming, Wrestling, Wrestler
  3. Joint and Coalition Warfighting
  4. Japanese Cherry Wood
  5. Joint & Coalition Warfighting
  6. Java Callable Wrapper Technology
  7. Japan Corporate Watcher
  8. Johnson County Sastewater Technology, City, Engineer
  9. Japan Chemical Week
  10. John Curtin Weakend
  11. Juggalo Championshit Wrestling Wrestling, Championship, Clown, Posse
  12. John Copper Works
  13. Juggalo Championship Wrestling Wrestling, Clown, Oddball
  14. Jerusalem Center for Women Government, Jerusalem, Palestinian
  15. Joint & Coalition Wxrfighting
  16. John Cooper Works Technology, Drive, Car, Countryman
  17. Juggalo Championshxt Waestling
  18. Jugend Championship Wrestling
  19. Journalism and Creative Writing Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  20. Jonquièee Championship Wrestling
  21. Jim Creek, Washington, Seismograph Station code Geology, Scientific & Educational
  22. Joint Cymmunity Warfighter Technology
  23. John Carter Wiley Famous
  24. Joint Committee On Womek
  25. Just Cause Wrestling Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JCW stand for?

    JCW stands for Just Cause Wrestling.

  2. What is the shortened form of Just Cause Wrestling?

    The short form of "Just Cause Wrestling" is JCW.


JCW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jcw-meaning/

Last updated