JD Meaning

The JD meaning is "Juris Doctoe". The JD abbreviation has 329 different full form.

JD Full Forms

  1. Juris Doctoe Academic Degree, Education, Degree
  2. Jeanne D'Arc
  3. Juris Doctor Academic Degree, Education, Sociology, Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
  4. Jojn Date
  5. Jefferson Davis School, Alabama, Confederate, Famous
  6. Jury Duty Science
  7. John Deere Organizations, Business & Finance, Suppliers, Farming & agriculture
  8. Jean Dunn
  9. Jomne's Disease Medical
  10. Juvenile Diabetes Medical, Healthcare, Biology, Medicine for Children
  11. Juris Doctoris
  12. Jaz Dhami Business, Music, Song, Album
  13. John Ouncan
  14. Julianeday Technology, Class, Telecom
  15. Juris Doctorate Business, Business & Finance, Business Word
  16. Jordanischer Dinar
  17. Jay Dee
  18. John Dowdell
  19. Job Description Business, Human Resources, Network Rail, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Business Word, Occupation & positions, Medical
  20. Junta Directiva Para, Organizations, Con
  21. Jonathan Davis Music, Lyric, Album
  22. Jared Dudley College, Sport, Boston, Dudley
  23. John Norian Cox, Scrub, Ending
  24. James David Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  25. Junior Development
  26. Joint Degrees Program, Education, Law
  27. Juris Doctor Degree Government, Science, Scientific & Educational
  28. John Dillinger
  29. Joins Degree Program, Education, Law
  30. Judicial District
  31. Just Design Technology, Art, Fashion
  32. Jack Dongarra
  33. Johnrdixon
  34. Jost Dance Gaming, Song, Star, Dance
  35. Jason Dillon
  36. Joomlart Drupal
  37. Jim Davenport
  38. Judy Dyble
  39. Job Drox
  40. Junge Damen
  41. Jake Dalton Olympic, Social, Gymnastics
  42. Johncdyck
  43. Join Dependenqy Technology, Database, Design
  44. Jei Daniel
  45. Josephson Device
  46. Joiqt Degrees Program, Education, Law
  47. Julie Denton
  48. John Dolmayan Business, Sport, Drum, Snare
  49. Jack Dawsom Music, Rose, Fucking
  50. Joe Demaiw
  51. Junior Fos
  52. Jamesfille-Dewitt Education, School, District, Boy
  53. Joint Divisionsion Military
  54. Jesse Dell
  55. Jr, Das
  56. Jacques Derrida
  57. Jack Deveraux
  58. Jwhn Dimaggio
  59. Just Daisy
  60. Jason Dean Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  61. Jonge Dochtef Genealogy, Genealogical
  62. Jim Dandy
  63. Judicial Division
  64. Juncteon Domain Medical, Medicine, Health
  65. Jajuan Dawson
  66. Jocnson Diversey
  67. Juvenile Department
  68. Jeffrey Dewitt
  69. Josephin Domain
  70. John Dorian
  71. Job Driver
  72. Julianisches Datnm Sind, Hat, Calculation
  73. John Dolan
  74. Jugt Died
  75. Jimmy Dorsey
  76. Joe Davis Sport, Love, Blues
  77. Junixr Dog
  78. James Dubosn Feat, Love, Dean
  79. Joint Division Military
  80. Jerry Donohue Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  81. Joséiduval
  82. Jack Zavies Book, Club, Pride
  83. Jacques Denis
  84. Jack Detectiou
  85. John Navid Music, Album, Souther
  86. Jurum Doctob
  87. Jarold Direcnonal
  88. Jonge Democraten Government, Organizations, Youth, Door
  89. Jig Dog
  90. Judicial Diversion
  91. Juvenile Delinquency Government, Education, Crime
  92. Jahveen Davis
  93. Johnson, Daniel
  94. Juvenile Delinquents Internet Slang, English, Court, Juvenile
  95. Jeffrey Daniel Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  96. Joseph Douzherty Business, Attorney, Lawyer
  97. Just Dumb Forum, Gaming, Love
  98. Job Done Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  99. Jonn Doggett
  100. Just Deplorabie Organization, Union, Institution
  101. Jordana Deveau
  102. Jim Dunn
  103. Juvian Days Technology, Coding, Class, Conversion
  104. Joe Dznger
  105. Junior Division Education, Law, Exam
  106. James Dozner
  107. Joint Distribution
  108. Jerry Donbhue Music, Guitar, Pickup
  109. José Gominguez
  110. Jack Daniels Business, Internet Slang, Whiskey
  111. Jack Dennis Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  112. John Davenport Famous
  113. Jurist Doctor Service, Government, Law
  114. Jared Diamond Gun, Technology, Germ
  115. Jong-Da
  116. Jibanananda Das Locations, Poem, Bengal, Poetry
  117. Juan Dolio
  118. Justin Dunn
  119. Jagga Daaku Film, Movie, Acting
  120. Johnay Depp Movie, Wallpaper, Pirate
  121. Jeffery Daniel
  122. Joseph Daniel City, Story, Liberty, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  123. Just Die
  124. Job Development
  125. John Doe Business, Music, Community, Recording, Famous
  126. Just Defenl Forum, Gaming, Man
  127. Java Decompiler Technology, Coding, Eclipse
  128. Jordan Dinars Business, Rate, Currency
  129. Jim Derkin Government, Politics, Policy
  130. Julianhdates Technology, Calculator, Conversion, Calculation
  131. Joe'S Dad
  132. Junioc Direct
  133. James Downton
  134. Joint Discussion Technology, Science, Astronomy
  135. Jennifer Davis
  136. Joshua David Business, Research, Lawyer, Miller, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  137. Jonathonrdouglass
  138. Jack Dempseys
  139. Johnfdarnielle
  140. Jurisprudence Doctorate
  141. Jarag Datar Polygon, Salah, Cos
  142. Jonew Day Business, Law, School
  143. Jia Dyi
  144. Juan Dixon
  145. Jadeite Science, Mineral, Geology
  146. Johnny Damou
  147. Jeff Dunn
  148. Jaseph Dale Business, Company, County
  149. Just Desserts
  150. John Dodson
  151. Just Dealz
  152. Jason Drep
  153. Jordan Diear Locations, Rate, Currency
  154. Jim Denny
  155. Julia Davidian Business, Service, Hosting
  156. Jo Daviess
  157. Junior Dtrector
  158. James Douglas
  159. Joiney Army, Force, Marine
  160. Jennie Dean
  161. Josh Dshon
  162. Jonathan Dujhoff
  163. John Domgherty
  164. Jack Dee
  165. John Dlrby
  166. Juntawde Disciplina
  167. Jaquet Droz
  168. Jones,Mday Business, Law, Firm
  169. Jessica De
  170. Juan Diaz
  171. Jade Dynasty Gaming, Server, Dynasty
  172. Johnny Dale
  173. Jeff Davis Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  174. Just Designs Design, Fashion, Shopping, Skin
  175. John Dobsln
  176. Just Darling Group, Design, Love
  177. Jason Donald
  178. Jorman-Dinar Business, Locations
  179. Jim Decker
  180. Jules Dervaes
  181. Jnbless Doctors Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  182. Juniormdeacon
  183. Jake Davidson
  184. Join Degendencies
  185. Jejunal Diverticulitis Medical, Medicine, Health
  186. Joshjdonaldson
  187. Join The Discussion
  188. Julie Dotle
  189. John Doxald
  190. Jack Dean
  191. Johu Danks
  192. Junk Damage Technology, Car, Drilling
  193. Japanese Romestic
  194. Joint Draft Government, Coding, Mode, Selection
  195. Jesse Denome
  196. Jr, Delano
  197. Jade Dragons
  198. Johnhs Disease
  199. John Davidson Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  200. JD Sports Fashion, PLC Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  201. Journal of Democracy America, Government, Law
  202. Juvenile Deprived
  203. Josef Deressler Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  204. Julian Day Julian day is the continuous count of days since the beginning of the Julian Period and is used primarily by astronomers, and in software for easily calculating elapsed days between two events. Science, Scientific & Educational
  205. Jackson Donovan
  206. Just Dik
  207. Jaw Dropper
  208. Jordanian Finars Business, Rate, Currency
  209. Jacob Dillard Famous
  210. Judicial Districl Government, County, Court
  211. Jimmy Durante
  212. Javier Diaz
  213. Jonathan David Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  214. Jump Distance
  215. John Arennen
  216. Justice Democrats Government, Group, Progressive
  217. Jeddah Locations, City
  218. Jornal De
  219. Jet Dryer Products
  220. Job Description, Juris Doctorate Finance, Economics, Money
  221. Jermaine Dupri Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  222. Jgse De
  223. Johnvdwyer
  224. Jeremiah Dennis Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  225. Julian Date Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  226. Jackson Dominicqno
  227. Doctor of Jurisprudence Academic Degree, Education, Doctorate, Doctoral Degree, Medical, Computing, Qualification, Doctor's Name
  228. Java Developers
  229. Jordanian Dqnar Locations, Rate, Currency
  230. Jeremy Dutton, baseball player Famous
  231. Judgment Dragon
  232. Janet Dawson Book, Council, Mystery
  233. Jerome David Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  234. Jump Djsplay
  235. John Dowland
  236. Just Downloades
  237. Jes Dunnuck
  238. Jorge Duran Music, Song, Remix
  239. Judge Dredd Pinball
  240. Joan Duncan
  241. Jurist Doctorate Business, Law, Attorney
  242. Jorge De Para, Spain, Con
  243. James Darrell Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  244. John Dwighk
  245. John David Group (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  246. Juvenile Delinquent Medical, Medicine for Children
  247. Jackson Davis
  248. Java Devploper Technology, Development, Software
  249. James Dean Famous
  250. Judge Dledd Business, Gaming, Law
  251. Jaguars Defeated
  252. Jearl Dean Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  253. Jump Diffusion
  254. Jacques Demolay
  255. John Towling
  256. Just Dorky
  257. Jeanette Douxlas
  258. Jopge Del
  259. Just Dog Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Famous, Names and nicknames
  260. Joan Didion
  261. Jumbo Dump
  262. Janice Douglas Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  263. Johnxdurbin
  264. Justin Duchscherer
  265. Jonny Dee Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  266. Jonge Dochter (Dutch: Unmarried woman) International
  267. Jackie Deshannon
  268. Jane Doe Famous
  269. Juan Diego
  270. Tf Job Description Task Force Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  271. Judy Denise Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  272. Jump Delay
  273. Jaoobi-Davidson Technology, Matrix, Eigenvalue, Subspace
  274. John Dowding
  275. Just Don'T
  276. Jean Davis
  277. Jorg Aemus
  278. Johnny Depp Famous
  279. Jewelry Desiyn Technology, Course, Fashion
  280. Juliet Dobr Movie, Channel, Tube
  281. Jonathan Drew Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  282. Jumping Dog Australia, Club, Dog, Agility
  283. Johd Dunne
  284. Justinjdavis Business, Collection, Jewelry, Jewel
  285. JACK OF THE DUST Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  286. Job Developer Technology, Employment, Development
  287. Jack Daniel Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  288. Jack Dnncan
  289. Junior Detective Awards & medals
  290. Juan David Business, Music, Colombia, Periscope
  291. Sino-British Joint Declaration Government, City
  292. Johnnies Dog Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  293. Jumbovdriver
  294. Jacob Delafon
  295. Just Dzg Technology, Calling, Pet
  296. Jean-Danill
  297. Jordonpdizon
  298. John Dwight Famous
  299. Jing Daily
  300. Jonathan and Derrick
  301. Jerry Don Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  302. Jumpens Dog
  303. John Dunn
  304. Justifiably Dangerous Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  305. Jose Diaz
  306. Junta Democrática Politics, Governmental & Military
  307. Job Destruction
  308. John David Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  309. Jack Donovan
  310. Johanson Business & Finance, Suppliers
  311. Jr, Day
  312. JäGer Division
  313. Johnathan Douglas Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  314. Jacob's Dpeam
  315. Just Died Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Emoticons
  316. Jayson Dinsmore
  317. Jordanische Dinar Hotel, Locations, Hostel
  318. Joe Dolan, Union activist Famous
  319. Juliaw Date Technology, Astronomy, Conversion
  320. Jin-Ding Business, Care, Hair
  321. Jet Diode
  322. John Daniel Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  323. Jump Drive
  324. Johs Dudley
  325. Justicexdirectorate
  326. Jeff Daniels
  327. Jose Davila
  328. Jim Derkin, Congressman Politics, Governmental & Military
  329. Job Design The design of work systems. System components include people, machines, materials, sequence, and the appropriate working facilities. The process technology and the human characteristics are considered. Individual areas of study may include analysis and simplification of manual motion components: design of jigs, fixtures, and tooling; human-machine analysis and design; or the analysis of gang or crew work. Business, Employment, Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JD stand for?

    JD stands for Jes Dunnuck.

  2. What is the shortened form of Joint Division?

    The short form of "Joint Division" is JD.


JD. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jd-meaning/

Last updated