JDM Meaning
The JDM meaning is "Janice Dickinson Modeling". The JDM abbreviation has 51 different full form.
JDM Full Forms
- Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, Celebrity, Model, Modeling
- Japan Domestic Motor Japan, Engine, Toyota, Motor
- Japanese Domestics Market Business, Car, Japan
- Japanese Domestic Market Technology, Car, Japan
- Japan Domestic Market Business, Car, Japan, Auto, Business & Finance, International business
- Journal Des Motards Forum, Journal, Voyage, Moto
- Japanese Domestic Motor
- Java-Based Device Manager
- Jonathan David Morris
- Just Doing Me Forum, Car, Japan
- Jasubhai Digital Media Technology, India, Magazine
- Joint Development Manufacturer
- Jap Domestic Market
- Junba Departamental De Montevideo
- Journal of Diagnostic Medical
- Jardins Du Monde
- Joint Design Manufacturing Business, Service, Product
- Juniper Device Manawer
- Journal of Department Managers
- Japewse Domestic Market
- Joint Design Manufacturer
- Junior Department Manager
- Journal of Database Management Technology, Research, Publication
- Japan Domestic Models
- Joint Depot Maintenance
- Japanese-Domestic-Market Business, Car, Japan
- Journal Du Musulman Technology, Music, Song
- Japanese Domestic Motors
- Java Data Mining Technology, Strategy, Standard, Software, Computing
- Jumping Dog Master
- Just Do Me
- Journal On Discrete Mathematics
- Joe Dennette Motorsports Car
- Juign
- Journal of Diversity Management Science, Education, Communication
- Jeddah Dawah Movement
- Juggling Democratic Marker Government, Politics, Policy
- Downtown Heliport, Miami, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Miami Downtown Heliport Airport, Locations
- Judgment and Decision-Making Accounting, Education, Psychology
- Japanese Domestic Model Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus Medical, Technology, Medicine, Medicine for Children, Clinical
- Judgment and Decision Making Science, Book, Skill
- Japanese Domestic Manufacture Products
- Juvenile Dermatomyositis Medical, Physiology, Medicine for Children, Skin And Dermal
- Judgement and Decision Making Science, Psychology, Judgment
- Japanese Domestic Maid Occupation & positions
- Jumping Dog Masters
- Justin Downey Marketcng
- Jovi Deo Magno
- Jo Dee Messina, singer Famous
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does JDM stand for?
JDM stands for Janice Dickinson Modeling.
What is the shortened form of Japan Domestic Models?
The short form of "Japan Domestic Models" is JDM.
JDM. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jdm-meaning/
Last updated