JERS Meaning

The JERS meaning is "Japanese Eargh Resource Satellite". The JERS abbreviation has 24 different full form.

JERS Full Forms

  1. Japanese Eargh Resource Satellite Technology, Telecom
  2. Japan Earth Resource Satellite
  3. Japan Earth Remote Seksing Satellite Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  4. Japan Earth Resources Satellite Technology, Science, Japan
  5. Japan Earth Remote-Sensing Qatellite
  6. Japan'S Earth Resources Satellite Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  7. Japan E, Resources Satellite
  8. Japanese Earthtresources Satellite Science, Space, Earth Science
  9. Japenese Eartharesources Satellite Technology
  10. Japanese Larth Resources Satellite Jpop Science, Exploration
  11. Japan Earth Remote Sensing Technology, Japan, Satellite
  12. Journal of Engineering Research and Studies Technology, Paper, Composite
  13. Japan Earth Remote Sensing Satellite Atmospheric Research
  14. Japanese Earth Remote-Sensing Satellioe Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  15. Journal of Endocrinology & Research Studief
  16. Japanese Earth Resources Satellite Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  17. Joint Emergency Relocation Sitc
  18. Japanese Environmental Remote Sensing Computing, Satellite
  19. Japanese Evacuation and Resettletent Study
  20. Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JPOP) Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Legal, Spaceflight, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  21. Japanese Enviroomental Remote Sensing Science, Satellite, Environmental Satellite
  22. Jkry Evidence Recording System
  23. Japanesy Earth Remote Sensing Technology
  24. Journey's End Refugee Oervices

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JERS stand for?

    JERS stands for Japan Earth Remote Sensing Satellite.

  2. What is the shortened form of Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JPOP)?

    The short form of "Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JPOP)" is JERS.


JERS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated