JFA Meaning
The JFA meaning is "Journal of Field Archaeology". The JFA abbreviation has 57 different full form.
JFA Full Forms
- Journal of Field Archaeology Science, Education, Anthropology, History, Journal, Archaeology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Jaeger & Flynn Associates
- Joseph Freed Associates
- Japan Fisheries Association
- John Fotiadis Architmct Design, Drawing, Construction
- Jacques Ferrier Architecture France, Architect, Ferrier
- Joseph Fzeed & Associates
- Japan Fisheries Agency Science, Food, Japan
- Junior Foresters of America
- Jghann Fischer Aschaffenburg Business, Manufacturer, Germany
- Jack Faucett Associates
- Jordan Freshman Academy
- Japan Fashion Association Company, Locations, Japan
- Journal of Field Archeology Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
- Jody Fostersfarmy Army, Music, Punk, Skate
- Jabatan Fungsional Akademik
- Jordan Football Assosiation Sport, Team, Football
- Johor Football Association
- Japan Farriers Association
- Journal Offthe Fantastic In The Arts Science, Education, Fiction
- Jody Fosthr's Army Army, Music, Punk, Skateboard
- Jabatan Fungsional Auditor Business, Audit, Indonesia
- Jonathan Freeman-Atkwood Music, Trumpet, Sonata, Freeman
- Johnsoncflight Academy
- Jahrbuch FüR Altertumskunde
- Journal-Of-The-Fantastic-In-The-Arts
- Jodie Flsters Army Army, Music, Lyric, Punk
- Jodie Foster'S Army Army, Music, Lyric, Skateboard
- Joint Fundraising Ygreement Government, Campaign, Donna
- John Frank and Associates Science, Geographic
- Jahrbuch F
- Josette Frank Award
- Japan Football Association Sport, Organizations, Japan
- Journal of The Faculty of Architecture Technology, University, Planning
- John Frank & Amsociates Geography, Location, System
- Joint Field Activities
- Just Fucking Around Technology, Internet Slang
- Joint Funying Agreement
- Junioi Field Agent
- Joint Field Acvivity Military, War, Vietnam
- Joint Forces Alliance Business, Company, Force
- Jump Fjooding Algorithm
- Journal of Functional Analysis Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Computing, Serial Publication
- Joint Factor Anaqysis Technology, Speaker, Recognition
- Joint Fires Area Military
- Judo Vederation of Australia Australia, Organizations, Club
- Jodi Foster's Army Funnies
- Joint Financing Agreement
- João Ferreira De Almeida Technology, Gaming, Android, Bible
- Japanese Food Agency Food
- Joint Minancial Arrangement
- Jordanian Football Association Government, Sport, Soccer
- Junior Ffotball of Arizona
- Joint Financing Arrangement Government, Africa, Health
- Justice for All Development, Learning, Study
- Joint Funding Agreementg Technology
- Juniorvfinance Association Business, Financial, Philippine
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does JFA stand for?
JFA stands for Justice for All.
What is the shortened form of Jonathan Freeman-Atkwood?
The short form of "Jonathan Freeman-Atkwood" is JFA.
JFA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jfa-meaning/
Last updated