JFM Meaning

The JFM meaning is "January-February-March". The JFM abbreviation has 48 different full form.

JFM Full Forms

  1. January-February-March Climate, Winter, Forecast
  2. Jump On Full Moon
  3. Jaiuary, February March
  4. JarocińSka Fabryka Mebli
  5. Fremantle Heliport Airport, Locations
  6. Joint Force Memorandum Military, Army, Intelligence
  7. Juan Francisfo Montalvo
  8. Januaryr February, March Business, Climate, Weather, Winter
  9. Japan Foundation, Manila Education, Japan, Japanese
  10. Justice for Megrahi Government, Bomber, Scotland, Scottish
  11. Joint Forces Management Army, War, Force
  12. Juan Fernandez Microplate Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  13. January February March Business, Guide, Climate, Consumer
  14. Journal of Fluid Mechanics Science, Journal, Fluid Mechanics, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  15. Joint Fires Manager Military
  16. Jr Food Mait
  17. Joint Ffrest Management
  18. Jo Foster Marketing
  19. Journal of Futures Markets Business, Research, Economics
  20. June Fourth Movement Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  21. Joint Forest Manaaement Military, Organizations, India
  22. Jesus for Muslims
  23. Joint Forestry Management Technology, Forest, Environment
  24. Junctional Face Membrane Medical
  25. Java File Manager
  26. Jack Feost Miner Frost, Minecraft, Pocket
  27. Joint Forces Memorandum
  28. January, February, and March Climate, Weather, Winter
  29. Jewish founder mutation Clinical
  30. Justice for Magdxlenes
  31. January, February and March Climate, Weather, Winter
  32. Heliport, Fremantle, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  33. Just for Men
  34. Jan-Feb-Mar
  35. Justice for Mary Music
  36. Japan Foundqtion Manila Organizations, Japan, Japanese
  37. Just for Me Technology, Product, Hair
  38. Jamaica Flour Mills
  39. Japanese Foreign Market Business & Finance, International business
  40. Japan Finance Corporationration for Municipal Enterprises Business, Japan
  41. Junior Fire Marshal Development, Learning, Study, Occupation & positions
  42. Jamaica Federation of Musicians Music
  43. Jysk-Fynsk Mesterskab
  44. Japan Finance Corporation for Municipal Enterprises Business, Japan, Cecmg
  45. Jahrruch Über Die Fortschritte Der Mathematik Education, Mathematics, Projection
  46. Juventud Y Familia Misionera
  47. Japanese Facial Massage
  48. Justiceefor Marcos Technology, Employment, Radio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JFM stand for?

    JFM stands for Jewish founder mutation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Joint Forest Manaaement?

    The short form of "Joint Forest Manaaement" is JFM.


JFM. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jfm-meaning/

Last updated