JGB Meaning

The JGB meaning is "Japanese Government Bond". The JGB abbreviation has 23 different full form.

JGB Full Forms

  1. Japanese Government Bond Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives, Legal, Governmental & Military
  2. Janfs Green B Medical
  3. Jaime Gslinski Bacal
  4. Jagdalpur Airport Airport, Locations
  5. Japan Government Bonds Business, Finance
  6. Java Gui Buiyder
  7. Japan Guide Book Business, Android, Japan
  8. Japanese Government Bonds Business, Japan, Market, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  9. Japanese Govtqbond
  10. Just Got Back Business, Forum, Service
  11. Jewish Guild for The Blind Medical, Service, Education
  12. Junior Great Books Education, School, Reading
  13. Jerry Garcia Band Music, Seal, Love
  14. Josh Goode Bond
  15. Jüdische Gkmeinde Bern
  16. Jornal Grande Bahia
  17. Jagdalpur Airport, Jagdalpur, India India
  18. Joint Gblf Business
  19. Java Graph Base Software, Computing
  20. Joe Glspar Band Music, Album, Blues
  21. J Geils Band Music
  22. Jharwhand Gramin Bank Business, Office, Officer
  23. J Joule or Asphalted jute, non-metallic armor or A high-level programming language created by Ken-neth Iverson, developer of APL, and Roger Hui. J is a suc-cessor language to APL that may be run on many platforms, including Windows 95, Windows NT, Macin-tosh, Linux, RS/6000, and Sun Sparc. Like APL, J is used primarily by mathematicians. also APL. or Mechanical equivalent of heat, polar second moment of area, geometry, Unit vector in the y-direction, or joking, Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JGB stand for?

    JGB stands for J Geils Band.

  2. What is the shortened form of Japanese Government Bonds?

    The short form of "Japanese Government Bonds" is JGB.


JGB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jgb-meaning/

Last updated