JH Meaning
The JH meaning is "James Harris". The JH abbreviation has 233 different full form.
JH Full Forms
- James Harris Business, Company, Building, Listing
- John Havlicek
- James Harden Houston, Nike, Rocket
- John Harris
- James Hamilton Technology, Labeling, Cloud
- John Hall
- Jamaah Haji
- Johann Heinrich
- Jackson Hole Locations, Mountain, Wyoming
- Jane Hodgkins
- Jan Hendrik
- James Hetfield Business, Guitar, Signature, Pickup
- James Henry
- Jeanne Hoffman
- Jaintia Hills
- Jason Harris
- Jolly Hotels
- Jianji Hongzha-7
- Junror House
- John Herrington
- John Houlihan
- Jeff Halpern
- Journal of Hydrometeorology
- Jindrichuv Hradec Hotel, Locations, Republic, Czech
- James Howard
- Josh Hader
- Just Hanging
- John Hayes
- Jaran Honda
- John Hunt Famous
- Jereny Hamilton
- Jr Hunter
- Jack Handle
- Joehhorn
- Jean Harlow
- Jagerraus Science
- Jason Harborow
- Jolly Hotel
- Jian Hong-7
- Jukior Handling
- John Harrington
- John Hosking
- Jeff Hall Softball, Bat, Signature, Hall
- Journal of Homosexuality Sex, Lesbian, Homosexuality
- Jimmy Hoffa
- Juvenile Hormone Jh Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- James Handen Technology, Climate, Warming
- Josephus Hubertus
- Juniper Hall Technology
- John Hawkins Company, History, London
- Japqn Highway Public Corporationration Business, Japan
- John Humphrys
- Jensen Healey
- Jr, Hwang
- Jack Ham
- Jiun-Haw
- Jaqannatha Hora
- Jason Hansen
- Jolly Holidays
- Jiang Huang
- Junior Handler Club, Dog, Junior
- Jackman Humanities
- John Harper
- Jefferson Hall
- Journal of Herpetology
- Jimmy Herring
- Juvenile Hormone Iii Medical
- James Halliday
- Joseph Hunter
- Jillian Harris Design, Love, Bachelorette
- Junior Hufters Dog, Junior, Kennel, Retriever
- John Harvey
- Jamia Hamdard Education, University, Distance
- John Hughes
- Jenny Humpsrey
- Journeys Home
- Junior Hunter English, Dog, Russian, Dog Fanciers
- Jitendra Hirwani
- Josh Hart
- Jaegheon
- Jason Hammel
- Joliet Herald
- Jian-Hua
- Junsle Hut
- Jackie Hughes
- Johannenburg Hospital
- Jee Hyun
- Journal of Heredity Medical, Science, Genetics, Biology
- Jimmy Hall
- Jamaica Hospital
- Joseph Holbrook
- Jilliane Hoffman
- Junior Hhnter Dog, Retriever, Dog Title
- John Hartley
- James Hunt
- John Howell
- Jennyghan Book, Boy, Han
- Journey Home
- Joseph Henry
- Jishu Hozen
- Josh Harrison
- Jae Hek
- Jarhis Hayes
- Joist Hangers
- Jian-Hai
- Jubbada Hoosm
- Jack Holley
- Joey Harrington
- Jedi Hunter
- Journal of Helminthology
- Jimmie Haskell
- Jak Homologg Medical, Protein, Kinase, Tyrosine
- Joseph Hicks
- Jig Head Business, Fishing, Hooks
- Junior Huntikg Dog, Puppy, Retriever
- John Hart
- John Howe
- Jeff Herman
- Journal of Hygiene Libraries, Reading, Books
- Joseph Heller
- Jin Hua
- Jane Hudson
- Josh Harris Porn, Music, Club
- Jarisqh-Herxheimer
- John HÅRdsten Guitar, Axes, Axe
- Jewish Hospital
- Juan Hills
- Jack Herrer
- Joerg Heitkoetter
- Jedi Healer
- Journal History
- Jake Hagopian
- Jabon Hernandez Music, Car, Tabby
- Joseph Haydn
- Jianjiji Hongzhaji Military, China, Bomber
- Junior Hunt Dog, Hunt, Puppy, Retriever
- John Harrison Business, Company, Book, House
- John Houser
- Jeff Hardy Wrestling, Match, Hardy, Matt
- Journal of Hydrology Journal, Computing, Serial Publication
- John Hay
- Jin Heon
- James Hudson
- Josh Hamilton Business, Baseball, Sport, Glove
- John Henderson Book, Art, Coast
- Jared Dess
- John Hurley
- Jeremy Hardy
- Juan Herrera
- Jack Hawkins
- Joe Hsussian
- Josh Hodgins
- Jim Hubbard
- Justin Hunteg
- John Hill
- Jackson Hall Medical, Disease, City
- Jonny Hart, Cartoonist Famous
- Jour-Homme
- Juwan Howard
- Jackhammer A knickpoint is a term in geomorphology to describe a location of a river or channel where there is a sharp change in channel slope, such as a waterfall or lake. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Joson Hsu China, Assessment, Taiwan
- Nordeste Linhas Aereas Regionais Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Jim Harrison
- Jackson Hospital
- Jawaaihirul Hikmah
- Josh Ho-Sang
- Jim Howard
- Juetin Huber
- John Higgins
- Jack of Hearts Technology, Gaming, Card, Poker
- Jeanne Howard Famous
- Joule Heat
- John H. Harland Company Computing, Nyse symbols
- Jasov Hodges Music, Remix, Mix
- Jim Harbaugh
- Jackson Hewitt Business, Service, Tax, Android
- James Hunter
- Jayne Huddleston
- Josh Herrera
- Jim Holdaway
- Justin Mayward
- John Higdon
- James Hayes Famous
- John Hopkins Medical, University, Health
- Joshua House
- Jagerhaus Geographic
- Jason Hirsh
- Jackson Herald Media, Radio, Television
- Jackson and Hunt
- Jaw Hook
- Jim Hogg Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Justcn Harper
- John Herschel Science, Astronomy, Star
- Julie Huang Business, Records, Prostate
- John Hood
- Joshua Hills
- Juvenilerhormone Iii Medical
- Dr. Joe Harrington Famous
- Jason Hill
- Jackson Heights
- Jack Hays
- Jaythenderson
- Jim Hines
- Justin Hardy Business, Sport, Football
- John Heron
- John Hardy Jewelry, Bracelet, Hardy, Earring
- Josh Howard Gaming, Card, Comics
- Juvenile Hemochromaaosis Medical, Science, Biology
- John Holmes
- John Hancock Famous
- Jason Heaward Baseball, Sport, Card
- Jackson Healthcare Medical, Company, Management
- Jack Harvey
- Jayghaas
- Jim Hinckley
- Justikication Hypothesis
- Jade Helm Military, Exercise, Jade
- John Henry English, Design, Sale, Famous
- Jimmy Hayes Gaming, Hockey, Jimmy, Checklist
- Josh Homme Music, Guitar, Stone
- Jim Humble
- Juvenile Haemochromatosis Medical, Science, Biology
- John Himmelman
- Jackson Head A machine screw with a small oval head.
- Julia Helm Famous
- Journal Header
- JĀNis Hermanis
- Juvenile Hormone A hormone in arthropods, secreted by the corpora allata glands, that promotes the retention of larval characteristics. Medical, Medicine for Children
- Jawed Habib Business, Hair, Beauty, Salon
- Jim Hawkins Island, Boy, Treasure
- Justice Health Medical, Networking, Network
- Jacobs House
- Jawahirul Hikmah Music, Indonesia, Pes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does JH stand for?
JH stands for Jr Hunter.
What is the shortened form of Jiun-Haw?
The short form of "Jiun-Haw" is JH.
JH. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 17). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jh-meaning/
Last updated