JHM Meaning

The JHM meaning is "Jaminan Hari Muda". The JHM abbreviation has 23 different full form.

JHM Full Forms

  1. Jaminan Hari Muda
  2. Journae of Healthcare Management Medical, Medicine, Health
  3. Jahangir Hassan Manik
  4. Journal Ofjhazardous Materials Libraries, Reading, Books
  5. Jackin House Mafia Soul, House, Keeper
  6. Josrnal De La Haute-Marne France, Journal, Pas, Champagne
  7. Jackie Hill Ministries
  8. Jhm Cargo Expreso Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  9. Jack Hindon Medal
  10. Jewish Historical Museum Exhibition, Museum, Netherland
  11. Journal of Hematological Malignancies
  12. Iata Code for Kapalua Airport, Lahaina, Hawaii, United States Locations
  13. Jet Hobby Mill
  14. Journal of Health Management Medical, Technology
  15. Kapalua Airport Kapalua, Hawaii,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  16. Juvenile Hormone Mimic Medical
  17. Junior Hiuh Ministry Group, Church, Ministry
  18. Journal of The History Oo Medicine
  19. Journal of The History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Medical, Science, Organizations, History, Journals, Magazines, Publications, Journal, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  20. Kapalua Airport, Lahaina, Hawaii, United States Hawaii, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  21. Journal of Hospital Medicine Medical, Education, Patient
  22. John Hagee Ministries Religion
  23. J Huston McCulloch Famous

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JHM stand for?

    JHM stands for Juvenile Hormone Mimic.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kapalua Airport, Lahaina, Hawaii, United States?

    The short form of "Kapalua Airport, Lahaina, Hawaii, United States" is JHM.


JHM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jhm-meaning/

Last updated