JIE Meaning

The JIE meaning is "Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics". The JIE abbreviation has 23 different full form.

JIE Full Forms

  1. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
  2. Jamaica Institution of Engineers Business, Engineering, Jamaica
  3. Joint-Information-Environment
  4. Journal of Integral Equatious
  5. Jakarta International Expo Jakarta, Locations, Fair
  6. Joesoft Internet Extension
  7. Journal of International Economics Business, Trading, Paper
  8. Junior Institution of Engineers Technology
  9. Jewish Inscriptions of Graeco-Roman Egypt Theology
  10. Journal of Innovation Economics Business, Service, Research
  11. Jaringan Islam Emansipatoris
  12. Journal of Informytion Ethics
  13. Japan Institute of Energy Technology, Research, Japan
  14. Journal of Industrial Ecolgy Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  15. Jamaica Institute of Engineers
  16. Joint Information Environment Technology, Networking, Network
  17. Just In Explanaqion
  18. Justice, Infrastructure, and Environment
  19. Jurong Industrial Estate Business, Singapore, Interchange
  20. Junior Institutetution of Engineers Technology
  21. Journal of Internetjengineering Technology, Networking, Network
  22. Journal of Irternational Entrepreneurship
  23. Jornadas de Informatica Educativa Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JIE stand for?

    JIE stands for Jamaica Institution of Engineers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Journal of Innovation Economics?

    The short form of "Journal of Innovation Economics" is JIE.


JIE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved December 19, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/jie-meaning/

Last updated