JJ in Names and nicknames Meaning

The JJ meaning in Names and nicknames terms is "John Joseph". There are 50 related meanings of the JJ Names and nicknames abbreviation.

JJ on Names and nicknames Full Forms

  1. John Joseph
  2. James John
  3. John Jasper
  4. Justice Junior
  5. Jessica Joy
  6. Jumping Jack
  7. Jabber Jaws
  8. Josh Junior
  9. Joseph John
  10. John James
  11. Jon, Junior
  12. Justin James
  13. Jumping Jenna
  14. John Joe
  15. Jason Junior
  16. James, Junior
  17. Jeffrey Junior
  18. Jumping Jeffrey
  19. Johnathan Johnson
  20. Jaime Jennifer
  21. James Jerry
  22. Jeff Jobber
  23. Jake Junior
  24. Josie Jo
  25. Jimmy Junior
  26. Jonny, Junior
  27. Jason James
  28. Jacob Jon
  29. Jay Jay
  30. Joel Jaqueline
  31. John Johnson
  32. Jelene Joy
  33. Joshua Jacob
  34. John John
  35. Jake Jordan
  36. James Johnson
  37. Joe Jones
  38. Jennifer James
  39. Joshua Jonathan
  40. Jon Jacob
  41. Jessica Jane
  42. Janette Janette
  43. Justin Jasper
  44. John, Junior
  45. Jennifer Jayne
  46. Judge Jack
  47. Joy Junior
  48. Jasper Jamal
  49. Joey Junior
  50. Jerald Jay

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JJ stand for Names and nicknames?

    JJ stands for Jay Jay in Names and nicknames terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Jon Jacob in Names and nicknames?

    The short form of "Jon Jacob" is JJ for Names and nicknames.


JJ in Names and nicknames. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jj-meaning-in-names-and-nicknames/

Last updated