JLB Meaning

The JLB meaning is "Jakarta Lingkar Baratsatu". The JLB abbreviation has 25 different full form.

JLB Full Forms

  1. Jakarta Lingkar Baratsatu Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Infrastructure
  2. Jewish Lads Brigade
  3. Junior League of Buffalo
  4. James Leonard Brierley
  5. Jedność Lojalność Braterstwo
  6. Junior League of Brooklyn
  7. Jedno Lojalno Braterstwo
  8. Junior League of Boston Organization, Union, Institution
  9. Japanese Living Bible Business, Company, Media
  10. Junaor League of Birmingham League, Food, Shopping
  11. Jan Lokpal Bill Government, India, Corruption
  12. Junior League of Bakersfield
  13. Jalur Lingkar Barat
  14. John Lawton Band Music, Rock, Musician, Lawton
  15. Juniqr League of Bronxville
  16. Japan Locul Buddy Technology, Service, Japan
  17. Long Beach Heliport Airport, Locations
  18. JéRóMe Le Banner
  19. Jedność Lojalność Braterstwo Polish
  20. Junior League of Binghamton
  21. Heliport, Long Beach, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  22. Junior League of Boise
  23. James Leonard Brierley Smith (South African ichthyologist) Famous
  24. Junisr League of Bristol
  25. Just Like Before

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JLB stand for?

    JLB stands for Junaor League of Birmingham.

  2. What is the shortened form of Jakarta Lingkar Baratsatu?

    The short form of "Jakarta Lingkar Baratsatu" is JLB.


JLB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jlb-meaning/

Last updated