JLC Meaning

The JLC meaning is "Joint Logistics Commanders". The JLC abbreviation has 68 different full form.

JLC Full Forms

  1. Joint Logistics Commanders Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  2. Jewish Leadership Conference
  3. Jaeger Le Coultre
  4. Jogja Library Center Technology, Internet, Saw
  5. Junior Leadership Corps
  6. John Lightfoot Commentary
  7. Junior League of Charlottesville
  8. Jacksonville Literacy Council
  9. Jordan, Lee and Cawszy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  10. Japan Logistical Command
  11. Junior Leadership Cadre
  12. John Leslie Consulting
  13. Junior League of Charlotte
  14. Jackson Lumen Christi
  15. Jones Learning Center
  16. Japan Laser Corporation
  17. Junior Leadership Camp
  18. John Leggott College
  19. Justification for Limited Competition Science
  20. Joint Logistics Course
  21. Japan Linear Collider
  22. Journal of Languakes and Culture Student, Education, Language
  23. John Le Carre
  24. Junior Leaders Course Australia, Military, Army, Cadet
  25. Jeint Logistics Chiefs Technology
  26. Joint Labour Committees Business, Employment, Wage
  27. Japanese Linear Collider
  28. Journal of Language Contact English, Language, Journals
  29. John Labbatt Centre
  30. Junior League of Chicago Technology, Service, Chicago
  31. Journal of Light Construction Business, Guide, Building
  32. Joint Logistmcs Committee
  33. Joint Labour Committee Employment, Government, Ireland
  34. Japanese Language Courses Education, University, Japan
  35. Joshua Lionel Cdwen
  36. John Labatt Centre London, Locations, Garden, Arena
  37. Junior League of Cleveland
  38. Joinn Logistics Commander Technology
  39. Joint Logistics Command Australia, Military, Defence
  40. John Lloyd Cruz Movie, Love, Angelica
  41. Junior League of Cincinnati Organizations, Event, Fashion
  42. Jacksonville Lacrosse Club
  43. Joshua Kawrence Chamberlain
  44. Joint Logisitics Command Military
  45. Joy Luck Club Hobbies
  46. Joint Leadership Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  47. Junior Lifeguard Club Technology, Service, Lifesaving
  48. Joint Library Committee
  49. Jewish Leadership Council Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  50. Joint Language Center
  51. Junior Librarians' Club
  52. Joint Libraries Committee Libraries, Reading, Books
  53. Juvenile Law Center Organization, Community, Society
  54. Junior Leaders Conference
  55. Joint Landowners Coalition Government, Gas, Fracking
  56. Junior Learning Centre
  57. Joint Liaison Committee Government, Council, Jewish
  58. Justin Lee Collins Music, Radio, Star
  59. Joint Load Control Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  60. Junior League of Columbus
  61. Joint Logistics Committee
  62. Justices' Law Clerk
  63. Junior League of Columbia
  64. Joint Legislative Committee
  65. Justice, Law & Criminology
  66. Jumbo Lobby Card Us Government, Governmental & Military
  67. Joint Legal Custody
  68. Junior Lifeguarding Club Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JLC stand for?

    JLC stands for John Lightfoot Commentary.

  2. What is the shortened form of Joshua Lionel Cdwen?

    The short form of "Joshua Lionel Cdwen" is JLC.


JLC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated