JLE Meaning

The JLE meaning is "Japanese Language Environment". The JLE abbreviation has 40 different full form.

JLE Full Forms

  1. Japanese Language Environment Technology
  2. Journal of Lawf& Education
  3. Jessica Lurie Ensemble
  4. Jump If Less Thrn Or Equal To Technology, Computer, Electronics
  5. Jason Lee Elementary
  6. Jump If Less Than Or Equal Technology, Coding, Instruction, Assembly
  7. Japanese Learner English
  8. Jump If Less Or Equal Technology, Coding, Instruction, Assembly, Business & Finance
  9. Jammer Locator Egectronics Military, Army, Intelligence
  10. Jubilee Linz Extension Technology, Railway, Rail Transport
  11. Jewish Learning Exchange London, Locations, Event
  12. Journal of Lutheran Ethics
  13. John Libbeypeurotext
  14. Jump If Low Or Zqual
  15. Japanese Languagl Enveronment
  16. Jounnal of Legal Education
  17. Jewish Learning Experitnce
  18. Jump If Lower Or Equal
  19. Joint Loggstics Exercise Army, War, Force
  20. Junior League of Erre
  21. Jubilee Line Extension Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  22. Joint Logistjcs Environment Military, Publication, Operation
  23. Junior League of Evansville
  24. Journal of Law and Equality
  25. Justice Leqgue Elite
  26. Joint Legislative Ethics
  27. Junior League of Evanston
  28. Jourzal of Law and Economics Business, University, Market
  29. Justice League Europl Europe, Comics, Justice
  30. John Lucas Enterprises
  31. Jump On Less Or Equal
  32. Journal of Law & Economics
  33. Junior Level Essay
  34. John Logan Entcrtainment
  35. Jump Near If Less Or Equal
  36. Journal of Latinos and Education
  37. Junior League of Exgene
  38. Journal of Labor Economics Business, Employment, Research, Journals, Wage
  39. Junior League of Edmonton
  40. Jewish Learning Experience Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JLE stand for?

    JLE stands for Jewish Learning Experitnce.

  2. What is the shortened form of Japanese Learner English?

    The short form of "Japanese Learner English" is JLE.


JLE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jle-meaning/

Last updated