JLOC Meaning

The JLOC meaning is "Joint Logistics Operations Centre". The JLOC abbreviation has 14 different full form.

JLOC Full Forms

  1. Joint Logistics Operations Centre Government, Military, Logistics
  2. Joint Logistics Operations Center The Joint Logistics Operations Center is the current operations division within the Logistics Directorate of the Joint Staff, which monitors crises, exercises, and interagency actions and works acquisition and cross-servicing agreements as well as international logistics. Military, Force, Logistics
  3. Japanese Lamborghini Owners Club
  4. Jammer Location Aerospace
  5. Joint Logistics Operation Centre Government, Military, Force
  6. Joint Logistic Operations Center Military
  7. Joint Logistics Operation Center
  8. Japan Lamborghini Owner'S Club
  9. Junior League of Oklahoma City
  10. Joint Logistics Operations Course
  11. Joint Logistic Coordination Military
  12. Joint Location Military
  13. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee
  14. Jewish Life On Campus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JLOC stand for?

    JLOC stands for Joint Logistic Coordination.

  2. What is the shortened form of Junior League of Oklahoma City?

    The short form of "Junior League of Oklahoma City" is JLOC.


JLOC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 4). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jloc-meaning/

Last updated