JNC Meaning

The JNC meaning is "Jetfnavigation Charts". The JNC abbreviation has 52 different full form.

JNC Full Forms

  1. Jetfnavigation Charts Military
  2. Jet Navigatoon Chart Government, Military, Army
  3. Joint Neyotiating Committee Medical, Education, Youth
  4. John Nuveea Company Technology, Organizations
  5. James Neil Consultong
  6. Joint National Council Education
  7. Joventuts Nacionalistes De Catalunya
  8. Jewish National Council Government, Israel, Palestine
  9. Jamaicz Neighborhood Center
  10. Joint National Comitte
  11. Joventut Nacionalista De Catalunya Youth, Cat, Carle
  12. Jakarta Nwuvo Club
  13. Jump If Not Carry Technology, Instruction, Assembly
  14. Joint National Committees
  15. Journal of Numerical Cognition Science, Research, Education
  16. Jacksonville, North Carolina
  17. Jump If No Carry Technology, Instruction, Flag, Assembly, Business & Finance
  18. Jopnt National Committe
  19. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Medical, America, Society
  20. Judicial Nominating Commission Government, Law, Florida
  21. Joilt National Committee Medical, Guideline, Hypertension
  22. Journal of Non-Crystalline
  23. Joint Normalization Committee
  24. John Nuveen Co. Organizations
  25. Japanese National Commission
  26. Joint National Conference
  27. Japan Nyclear Cycle Technology, Development, Japan
  28. Junta Nacional De Carnes
  29. Jyoti Nivas College Education, Hotel, Restaurant
  30. Jump Not Carry
  31. Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Inshitutetute Business, Japan
  32. Junta Nacional De Cafe
  33. Jump No Carry
  34. Japdn Nuclear Cycle Development Institute Business, Organizations, Japan
  35. Junta Nacional Del Cafe Para, Con, Lima
  36. Joint Negotiating Committee Us Government, Governmental & Military
  37. Jayapura Ninjatclub
  38. Japanese Nostalgit Car Car, Japan, Toyota
  39. Junior National Championships
  40. John Nuveen Company Computing, Nyse symbols
  41. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre
  42. Jaran National Committee
  43. Junior National Championship Organizations
  44. Java To Native Compiler Technology, Windows, Software
  45. Jet Navigation Chart Transportation, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  46. Jurp On Not Carry
  47. Japanese Natiodal Committee Organizations, Japan, Water
  48. Junction Neighbourhood Centre
  49. Java Native Compiler Technology, Windows, Software
  50. Just Net Coalition Organizations, Internet, Governance
  51. Joining Nature & Cities
  52. Jump On No Carry Technology, Program, Instruction, Microprocessor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JNC stand for?

    JNC stands for Jurp On Not Carry.

  2. What is the shortened form of Joining Nature & Cities?

    The short form of "Joining Nature & Cities" is JNC.


JNC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jnc-meaning/

Last updated